Page 6 of Tequila Burn

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“That’s not what happened.”

“Are you sure? Because it sure as hell seems that way to me.”

“Steph and I hadn’t been together in over two years at that point. That night you saw us together was the first time I had seen her since I moved to Nashville.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Then ask Colton.”

“Right. I’m going to ask your best friend who’s already proven he’s willing to lie for you to give me the truth. God, how stupid do you think I am?”

“Steph is Colton’s younger sister.”

“What?” I take a step back, running a hand through my hair as I try to process this information.

“Do you really believe he would allow me to cheat on his sister?” he questions.

And while I don’t respond, I have to agree I don’t think Colton would turn a blind eye to something like that. At least not from what I know of him. “I told you that our families have been close my entire life. Stephanie and I started dating very young. I loved her, but I was never in love with her to the point that she was the only woman I could see myself with forever. With pressure from my parents and hers, I ignored what I really wanted and did what I thought everyone else wanted me to do. Things were never great between us. I think she knew my heart just wasn’t in it. After Colton and Steph’s dad died everything changed. Things between us deteriorated rapidly and within a few months I was done. I couldn’t pretend anymore. So, I packed everything I owned and moved to Nashville. She didn’t try to stop me and she certainly didn’t come after me.”

“But why not divorce her?” I ask.

“Because her family had already been through so much and I wanted to give them time. I wanted to give her time. It was a very fragile situation, and to be completely honest, at the time I didn’t really think it mattered one way or the other.” He blows out a slow breath. “The night you and Emma came to Nashville was the first time I had seen her in nearly two years. She was there visiting Colton. She had a little too much to drink that night. She sat in my lap, kissing me one minute, then sobbing on my shoulder about how much she missed me the next.”

“Did you sleep with her that night?” I don’t know why I can’t leave it alone, but want to know.

“I almost did,” he admits. “She was familiar and comfortable and a part of me will always love her but nothing about it felt right. I stopped it. She left angry. And that was it. Five years ago. Nothing has happened between us since. Hell, I’ve only seen her maybe twice since.”

“And now you’re not married anymore?” I’m still trying to break all this down and digest it.

“We signed papers today. Our marriage will officially be over once the judge signs off which should be in the next few weeks.”

“Did she know she was here for that?” I ask, suddenly feeling a little bad for her.

“No.” He shakes his head. “I was afraid if I told her the truth she wouldn’t come and I needed her to come. I needed to close that chapter of my life so I can move forward with you.” He takes a step toward me and I don’t step away. “This isn’t how I wanted to do any of this, but Steph’s a Florida resident, so it worked. She’s only a couple hours west of here so I called her to come. The attorney the label sent was more than happy to help. I saw my opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and I took it. I only wish I could have explained everything to you before you were standing face to face with a woman who introduced herself as Mrs. Hudson Demasi.”

“Colton told you.”

“I’m so fucking sorry, Lennon. I know I’ve made a mess of all of this but you have to know I never truly lied to you. Yes, I kept the legal aspect of my marriage from you, but Steph and I have been separated for years. I planned to tell you everything today after the papers were filed with the court.”

“Why would she introduce herself as your wife?”

“Because she found out who you were and decided to take a shot. Stephanie has always been very possessive of me. I made it very clear today that I do not belong to her.”

“And what about Gage?” I completely shift gears. “Were you cleared?”

“Based on the fact that he decided not to press charges.”

“Because you paid him off.”

“That was the label, Lennon. Not me. Since he chose not to press charges and your statement to the police, they had no choice but to let me go.”

“So you lie about being married, beat my ex-boyfriend half to death, and you get to walk away. Must be nice to be you.”

“Were you hoping for a different outcome?” Hurt flashes across his face and I instantly feel guilty.

“I don’t know what I was hoping for,” I admit, shuffling my feet.

“I’m sorry about last night.” He reaches out, his hand touching lightly against the side of my neck. I jump at the contact and he pulls away.
