Page 123 of What Comes After

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Chapter Thirty-two


“Come on, Henna, we’regonna be late,” I holler through the apartment, growing more irritated by the second.

It was her idea to meet Sam and a couple of the other girls for drinks and now here we are, ten minutes before we’re supposed to be there and she’s still in the bathroom messing with her hair.

“I’m almost done,” she calls from the open door. “Two more minutes.”

“Two? You said that ten minutes ago,” I remind her.

“Just hold your horses,” she snips back, right as there is a knock on the door.

Crossing the living room, I pull the door open, expecting to see Aaron on the other side. Only it’s not Aaron...

“Abel,” I stutter, stunned to see him standing in my doorway. It’s been three weeks since I’ve laid eyes on his handsome face and the sight of him damn near takes my breath away. “What, what are you doing here?”

His gaze drops to my arm that’s held against my torso by a sling. “Are you okay?” he asks, his voice soft.

I follow his line of sight, looking down at my arm before my eyes make their way back to his face.

“I’m okay,” I confirm, shuffling nervously from one foot to the other. “Why are you here, Abel?”

“I’m here for you.”


“What do you mean why?” He seems almost confused by my question.

“Why are you herenow?”

He pulls in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, like he’s mentally preparing himself for what comes next.

“I know I owe you an explanation.”

“No, actually you don’t,” I cut him off. Now that the shock of seeing him again is wearing off, all the anger that’s been boiling right below the surface starts spilling over.

“Peyton, I...”

“Please don’t,” I interrupt him before he can say more. “Let’s not make this bigger than it has to be. You told me from the beginning that you couldn’t give me what I need. I should have listened.”

“No, you shouldn’t have. Can I come in? Please. Give me five minutes to explain.”

“I can’t. I’m going out with Henna and the girls,” I say, turning toward the sound of Henna entering the room.

“Actually, you’re not.” Henna looks past me and nods to Abel, whom she doesn’t seem the least bit surprised to see.

“Excuse me?” I narrow my gaze at her.

“We were never meeting the girls,” she tells me. “I just needed you to be ready when Abel got here.”

“Ready for what?” I look between the two of them.

“For our date,” Abel answers.

“I’m not going on a date with you.” I look at him like he’s officially lost it. And hell, maybe he has.

“Yes, you are.” Henna steps into my space and leans in close. “Just hear him out.” She wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a quick squeeze. “I’m going to Aaron’s. Don’t wait up.” She swivels around and slides past Abel into the hallway.
