Page 125 of What Comes After

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“I will always love her,” he continues without letting me say more. “There isn’t a day that will pass when I won’t think about her and wish our ending could have been different. But I realized something very important these last few days. It’s okay to love you both.”

“Of course it is.” I step closer, my good hand going to his chest.

“I know I’ve made a mess of things. And I know I hurt you.” He reaches up and cups my cheek. “But this was something I needed to do, and I needed to do it before I told you how I feel. Because I want you to know that I mean it. I’m in love with you, Peyton. I’m so in love with you...”

“I love you too,” I cut him off. “I have from the beginning. That’s why I agreed to a casual relationship even though that’s not what I wanted. I wanted you. I wanted you so badly I was willing to take any little piece of you that you were willing to give me.”

“I’m yours.” It’s his turn to interrupt me. “You don’t just get a piece of me, Peyton. You get all of me.” He pulls me close, his mouth hovering right above mine. “That is, if you still want me.”

“I do,” I sob, fresh tears pooling in my eyes.

“Then I’m yours.” He presses his lips to mine and it feels like time slows down around us. Like suddenly we’re the only two people in the world.

The moment is full of unspoken words, yet his touch says it all. I am his. And now, he is mine...
