Page 54 of What Comes After

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Chapter Fourteen



The drive back to mineand Henna’s apartment is a quiet one. Every time I look at Abel it’s like I can actually see the wheels turning inside that gorgeous head of his.

I didn’t expect him to open up to me about his wife the way he did, but the fact that he did makes me feel special. I get the impression it’s not something he talks about often. And while I’m glad he feels like he can talk to me, another part of me feels a little defeated because of it.

Any hopes I had that maybe we could explore this thing between us went out the window the moment her name left his lips. It became apparently clear to me, even in my inebriated state, that even if Abel was open to the possibility, I would be in constant fear that he would be comparing me to her the whole time, and truthfully I don’t know that I’d be able to fill such big shoes.

He loves her, that much is so clear it might as well be written on his forehead. And it’s not that he loved her, or still loves her. It’s how he loved her. The way he spoke of her. As if the sun rose and set with her. The kind of love one doesn’t easily get over.

It breaks my heart. For the both of us. Because deep down I know we could be really good together. Unfortunately, I can’t see us ever getting to a point to find out.

I let out a slow breath as Abel pulls into a parking spot outside of our building. I’m ready to be home. To be away from the man who puts me so on edge I feel like I’m going to tumble over the side of a cliff at any moment. But at the same time, I’m sad. Sad to say goodbye. Sad for this night to be over. Sad to watch Abel drive away, not knowing when I’ll see him again or if I even want to.

“We’re here,” I say aloud, turning to see Henna passed out in the backseat and Aaron not far behind her. “And she’s out,” I tell Abel, watching him glance in the rearview mirror.

“I’ll carry her up.” He unlatches his seatbelt.

“You don’t have to do that. I can wake her up.”

“She’s pretty wasted. I can’t imagine you’d have an easy time getting her upstairs. I’ll grab her and you can make sure my brother doesn’t fall down the stairs and break his neck.”

I consider his offer for a moment, realizing he’s probably right.

“Deal,” I answer, pushing open the passenger side door before climbing out. “Come on, Aaron.” I peel open his door and offer him my hand.

“We here already?” he asks groggily, looking around.


Aaron clumsily climbs from the backseat and stands upright. I offer him my arm to steady him, not that I’m much help. While I didn’t get nearly as drunk as he and Henna, I still had quite a few and can still feel the effects swimming around in my head.

I close the door and turn right in time to see Abel emerge from the backseat; Henna cradled in his arms.

Shutting the door with his hip, he joins Aaron and me at the front of the car.

“Lead the way.” Abel nods toward the building.

I ignore the pang of jealousy in my stomach at the sight of Abel holding my friend and quickly guide Aaron down the sidewalk toward our apartment building.

We reach our floor in no time, and while Aaron stumbled a few times on the way up, he did pretty well all things considered.

Fishing my keys out of my purse, it takes me three attempts to get the key in the lock. I click it over and push the door open, standing to the side to let Aaron and Abel pass.

“Where should I put her?” Abel asks, turning back toward me as I close the door.

“Down the hall. Last room at the end.” I gesture in the vicinity of Henna’s room.

Abel nods and heads off in that direction, Aaron following closely behind.

I take a moment to straighten up the living room, trying to make it look halfway presentable. It’s not dirty or anything, just a little messy. Had I known Abel would be coming over I would have made a better attempt at cleaning up after myself earlier.

I grab the throw blanket bundled in a ball on the chair and fold it. I’m draping it across the back of the couch when Abel emerges from the hallway.

“You get her all settled?” I ask, turning to face him.
