Page 55 of What Comes After

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“She didn’t even flinch when I laid her down. She’s really out.” He chuckles.

“Yeah, she doesn’t drink like that often. I’m betting she won’t again for a long while considering how awful she’s going to feel when she wakes up.” I slide off my shoes and cross the living room to deposit them in the coat closet next to the front door.

“Aaron either.” He shakes his head.

“Those two were a hot mess tonight.”

“That they were.”

“Sorry you had to deal with that.”

“Nah, it’s not a big deal. Besides, I had fun.”

“You did?” I cock a brow.

“I did.” He smiles.

“Me too,” I admit, shifting my weight from one foot to the other, not really sure what the hell to do.

“Well, I guess I should be going.” Abel slides by me, but pauses at the door, cocking his head in my direction. “My friend, Sven is having a party at his house on Saturday. I know Aaron is going which means Henna probably is too. Would you maybe want to come?”

“You’re asking me to a party?” I blurt, a bit surprised by this fact.

“I guess I am.” He gives me a sly smile.

“What time?”


“I’m having dinner at my dad’s at six, but I could maybe meet you after.”

“Okay, that works. I’ll text you the address.”

“Pretty sure you don’t have my number.” I smile, watching him pull his cell out of his back-pocket moments later.

“Guess I should probably get that.” He flicks his finger across the screen, then looks up at me.

It takes me a good ten seconds to realize he’s waiting for me to give him my number.

“Oh, uh.” I ramble off the number so fast I have to stop and repeat myself a second time.

“There. Got it.” He messes with his phone for another few seconds before locking it and shoving it back into his pocket.

A moment later, my phone dings from my purse that I dropped in the chair when we entered the apartment.

“I text you so you can save my number.”

“Okay, cool.” I feel a slight blush cross my cheeks, not sure why something as simple as him giving me his number has heat rushing to my face.

“So, I guess I’ll see you Saturday?” He reaches for the door, yanking it open.

“Yeah, Saturday,” I agree, stepping forward to hold the door open as he steps into the hallway.

“Goodnight, Peyton.”

“Goodnight, Abel.”

I wait until he starts to walk away before letting the door close.
