Page 56 of What Comes After

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“So, Peyton, how’s work? Your dad said you’ll be travelling to New York with your boss soon. That’s exciting,” Tina says, scooping a large helping of pot roast onto her plate.

“Yeah. It’s not for another six weeks but I’m pretty excited. I’ve never been to New York before.” I slide some potatoes onto my fork and shove them into my mouth.

“Oh, it’s amazing. I visited there several times when I was younger. If you want any recommendations on places you should see while you’re there, I’m your girl.”

“Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Anything else new going on?” My dad pulls my attention to where he’s sitting at the head of the table, the same place he’s sat for as long as I can remember.

“Not really.” I shrug, shoving another bite into my mouth.

“How was the wedding last weekend?”

“It was really good. Way over the top which is total Sam.”

“We sent her a card the other day. Wanted to give her a little something,” Tina interjects.

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know, we wanted to. It’s just a shame we couldn’t make it to the wedding,” she says, leaving out the part where they weren’t invited.

While Sam and I have been friends for years, she’s never taken the time to get to know my family. Which is totally fine. It’s not the kind of friendship we have. Because of this I didn’t expect her to invite my parents and wasn’t upset when she didn’t.

“Yeah, it was nice. I’m just glad it’s over.”

“Was Sam a difficult bride?” Tina asks.

“I wouldn’t say difficult. She just demanded a lot of my time the last couple of weeks leading up to the wedding.”

“Were there any attractive guys there?” She sips her tea, looking at me over the rim of the glass.

“Tina.” My dad clears his throat.

“What?” She gives him a pointed look.

“It’s fine.” I’m used to it by now. My dad and Tina weren’t dating but two weeks the first time she started in on me about finding a good man.

I think it was her way of trying to bond with me. And while I love that she cared enough to try, I wish she had chosen another topic in her efforts, because now it’s kind of a thing with her. She always has to know what’s going on in my love life. Though up to this point I’ve kept things pretty vague with her.

“Well, were there?” she presses.

“Not really,” I lie, Abel’s face flashing through my mind.

Having his cell phone number for the last two days has been absolute torture. I’ve had to talk myself out of texting him every five minutes, reminding myself that he only gave it to me because of the party.

A party he invited you to, a little voice in my head sings happily. I push it down, refusing to let myself go there right now.

“Have you been seeing anyone?” she continues.

“Nope.” I shake my head. “I told you, after the last one that I’ve written off men for a while.”

“I didn’t think you were serious.”

“Of course I was. I’m tired of dealing with immature men. They’re either too scared or too self-absorbed to commit to a relationship. I’m focusing on myself for a while.”

“Well I think that’s wonderful,” my dad chimes in. I think secretly he’s hoping I’ll stay single forever.
