Page 23 of You and I

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“So you're really gonna go through with it?” Lo asks, having just told her of the arrangement I made with Bentley the night before.

“I don't know.” I sigh in frustration. “I mean, I kind of have to see it through at this point.” I say, trying to hide the giddy smile that pulls up the corners of my mouth at the thought of what this Friday might bring.

“Can I please be you?” She laughs from across the table at me. “I mean seriously. That man is like a fucking god. You realize this right?”

“Trust me, I know exactly what you mean.” I think about her comment for a moment and then find myself smiling again.

“Uh oh.” Lo laughs, taking a drink of her soda before sitting the fake glass back down onto the chipped old booth table.

“What?” I ask, glancing up to meet her eyes.

“You realize that you haven't stopped smiling since the moment you started talking about him. I think you like him.” She says, her smile matching mine.

“Um, no.” I say, shaking my head adamantly. “He may be sexy as hell but there is only one thing I want from him and it does not require me to like him.”

“You know, it's not a crime to admit you like a person.” She says, sighing at me dramatically. While I may agree with her, that doesn't mean I feel any emotion towards Bentley. No. My feelings are purely sexual and nothing more.

“I just really want to fuck him.” I say casually, not even cracking a smile when Lo bursts into laughter across from me.

“Oh my God Anna. You are too much. But I suppose if anyone can match Bentley Reed in the 'no strings' department, you can.” She says, taking a bite of her french fry.

“What do you know?” I ask, being able to pick up on the fact that she's at least done a little research on him. I know Lo and needing to know everything about everyone is something she thrives on.

“Nothing.” She says innocently, picking up another french fry off her plate and taking a bite. “I may have asked around.” She admits, when I clearly don't buy her 'nothing' statement.

“And?” I ask, feeling irritated that I even need to ask for the information. She's my friend which means she should offer it up voluntarily and not make me beat it out of her.

“No one really knows a lot about him. From what I have learned, he rarely ever comes to the club. When he does, it's typically during the day and most of his business is handled with Cora. He doesn't really speak to the dancers much but likes to know who's working for him. There are several pictures of him floating around the internet and from what I can tell, he's never seen with the same girl twice.” She says, smirking like she is really proud of herself.

“Cora.” I say, remembering our conversation from last week. “They're involved?” I'm not sure if it's a question or a statement but either way, Lo jumps right in.

“I don't think so.” She says, shrugging. “Though she would be an idiot not to want that, I am fairly certain that if something were going on with the two of them, someone at the club would know about it.”

“What makes you think someone doesn't know about it?” I ask, raising my eyebrows at her. I can immediately see the insult on her face. Lo thinks she knows everything and don't ever tell her differently. I can't help but laugh at her when she wrinkles her nose.

“Well if someone does know, they haven't spilled the beans up to this point. But now my curiosity is peaked.” She says, leaning forward, her elbows resting on the table.

I can't help but laugh at her but then of course, I cave. Not able to keep anything from Lo, I spend the next ten minutes filling her in on my encounter with Cora from Friday night, not missing the way her eyes light up as I get further into the story. I never intended on rehashing my altercation with Cora, but it feels good to just tell someone about it. Clearly Lo sees an opportunity to dig for dirt on Cora or Bentley, or both for that matter. I can literally see the wheels turning inside that pretty little head of hers.

“Wow.” She says, sitting back in the booth. “I knew she was crazy but holy shit. That's a whole new level of crazy.” She laughs.“Don't tell me you bought her bullshit.”

“No.” I say, shaking my head. “I don't know, maybe.” I reconsider. “I mean, it's not like I know anything about him. And while Cora may not be the sweetest person in the world, I can't see her behaving that way if there was no truth to it at all. Maybe they aren't together but that doesn't mean that nothing has ever happened to make her think differently.”

“Who knows.” Lo shrugs, playing it off like she doesn't care. But I know Lo. And I would put money on the fact that she will be digging for more information the moment she walks through the doors ofAlluretomorrow night.

Shifting the subject to a lighter topic, the rest of our late night meal is spent discussing how finals went and what crazy drama is taking place on the reality shows that she watches religiously. I love how easily distracted she can be and how quickly I can get her talking about herself, which takes the pressure off of me.

We exit the little diner just after three in the morning and while I feel just a little better about my situation, having hashed it all out with Lo, at the same time I can't shake the nervous knot that has formed in the pit of my stomach either. I'm not sure what I am nervous about though. Friday night? Or maybe it's the fact that I am uneasy about just how much digging Lo is going to do and what flags she may raise in the process. The last thing I need is anyone at the club finding out about my arrangement with Bentley, especially Cora.


The week creeps by at a snails pace and by Wednesday I am convinced that Friday is never going to arrive. I have never dreaded and yet, looked forward to something at the same time so much in my life. One minute I feel excitement. The next, I feel dread. Then excited again. My days are consumed with thoughts of Bentley and my nights, well let's just say I have never dreamed about a person so much before.

I know it has everything to do with our impending date and what the night might hold for us. While I may put on a confident facade for others, deep down I am terrified that being with a man like Bentley will expose me for the fraud I am. It's just sex, I try to remind myself. But that doesn't make me feel any better about the situation.

Even still, the one emotion that stands out among all the others coursing through me is want. Just thinking about the way his mouth felt against me, the way his tongue worked skillfully across my most sensitive flesh, well it's enough to erase all the doubt, at least for a short while. Eventually it creeps back in and I find myself questioning every decision I have made up to this point.
