Page 22 of You and I

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So instead, I simply nod and quickly exit the office without another word. While I feel sick about where me and Josh stand in this moment, I also know that ending it is exactly the right move. It may take awhile but I know, eventually, things will start to return to normal. If normal even exists anymore.

Heading straight to my dressing room, I want nothing more than to get the hell out of this place. I used to love being here. There is something so freeing about working atAllure. It's the one place where I can be anyone I want to be.

When I step on that stage, I am no longer Anna. I am no longer the girl that has faced more loss than most people know in a life time. I am Logan. Sexy, powerful, free. Not afraid to take what I want when I want it. But here recently, I can feel those two people merging together as one and I can't help but wonder how long it will be before I see more of Anna when I look in my dressing room mirror than Logan.

There's a light knock on my door just as I finish slipping on my tennis shoes. Straightening myself, I make it to the door in two long strides and click the lock out of place. When I pull the door open, the last person I expect to see is Bentley, so needless to say when his bright eyes land directly on mine, it takes me a moment to realize that this isn't some type of dream and that he is actually standing in front of me. I haven't heard from him since Friday and honestly, I didn't expect to hear from him for sometime. So why is he here and more importantly, what does he want?

“Bentley?” I question, not making any attempt to open the door further. “What are you doing here?”

“Last time I checked, I own the place.” He says, his smile so breathtaking I literally feel my legs wobble underneath my weight.

“Good point.” I say, pulling the door the rest of the way open before leaning down to retrieve my bag from the floor. “I'm actually heading out. Did you need something?” I ask, my sudden professional behavior towards him making me feel oddly uncomfortable.

“Have a drink with me.” He says, more of a command than a question.

“At two in morning? All the bars are closing.” I say, verifying the time on my cell before looking back up to see him still staring at me with that ridiculously handsome dimple filled grin.

“Pretty sure there is a bar just down the hall.” He says, laughing lightly.

“Here?” I question, a little shocked that he would be willing to put us on display for all the other employees. Immediately my mind jumps to Cora and what happened the last time we spoke. I have no desire to have another confrontation with her as I am still feeling uneasy about the last one.

“Why not?” Bentley questions when I shake my head no.

“I think it's best if we keep this relationship professional Mr. Reed. And sitting in the middle of the establishment that I work at and you own, in the view of everyone, is sure to send the wrong message.” I say, making a move to step past him.

His arm darts out, blocking my ability to exit easily. He leans down, dropping his lips to my ear before speaking. “And what message would that be?” He whispers, causing my skin to prickle and my stomach to tighten.

“That you and I are somehow involved.” I say, taking a step backwards.

“But we are.” He says, taking a step inside the small room. Suddenly the tiny square space feels claustrophobic as he takes another step towards me, closing the door behind him with an echoing thud.

“No. We are not.” I say, taking another step backwards and nearly tripping over my vanity chair in the process. I catch myself before I go toppling over but it gives Bentley the perfect opportunity to close in while my guard is down.

I no more than straighten my body and he's on me. His hands grip my hips and his face hovers just an inch from mine. “Aren't we now? I seem to remember things differently.” He says, his voice low.

I open my mouth to respond but when no words seem to form, Bentley leans in closer. “I can still taste you on my lips.” His hot breath dances across my face. “I can still hear your cries of pleasure as I made you come. Tell me you don't want that again Logan.” He says, slowly backing me towards the wall as he speaks, not stopping until my back is pressed firmly against it.

“I....” I start to protest, but like all the times before, my words get lost in the chaos of my thoughts while in the presence of this man. I have never had someone command me the way Bentley does. Without any effort at all, I am like putty in his hands. And while the feeling is exquisite, it's also terrifying.

“Not here.” I finally manage to get out just as his lips brush against mine.

“No?” He asks, pulling back slightly to look down at me.

“I need you to leave me alone Bentley.” I say, seeing the surprise cross his features for a split second before his face becomes unreadable. “I want to fuck you.” I admit, trailing my hand lightly down his sculpted chest. “But only once. I need to stop thinking about you all the time. Fantasizing what it would be like to be underneath you. And while I wish I could just walk away never knowing, I simply can't. I'll give you one night and then you have to promise you will go back to New York or wherever it is that you live and stay there.”

“That's not possible. In case you have forgotten, I own this club.” He says, stopping my hand as it travels lower across his abdomen. Squeezing it tightly, he stares directly into my eyes.

“And you seem to forget that up until the last couple of weeks, I had never seen you. Which means, whatever you need to do here, you can do when I'm not here. I know you have that ability. These are my terms Bentley. Take it or leave it.”

“You drive a hard bargain.” He says, releasing my hand and taking a step backwards.

“Do we have a deal?” I ask, feeling the butterflies erupt in my stomach as he flashes me another heart stopping smile.

“Deal.” He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me to him. His lips crash down on mine before I have a chance to even react, but the moment his tongue sweeps inside of my mouth, my body immediately melts into his embrace.

Just as I am about to throw it all out the window and beg for him to take me right here and now, he breaks away from my mouth and takes a step backwards, leaving me feeling breathless and honestly, a bit confused.

“Until that time.” He says, nodding his head at me before spinning around and heading towards the door.

“What?” I call after him, completely thrown off by the sudden turn of events.

“If you are only going to give me one night, then I want the whole night, not a couple of hours. Next Friday.” He says, peeling the door open before turning back to face me. “I will pick you up at seven.” He says, stepping through the doorway before throwing one last look in my direction. “Oh and Logan. You better be ready.” He smiles wickedly and then disappears from the doorway.

It takes me a few moments to process everything that just happened and what exactly I just agreed to. Did I really just arrange to fuck the man that owns the club I work for? Suddenly, I realize just how in over my head I am and immediately begin second guessing myself.

Taking a few calming breathes, I glance to the right and catch sight of myself in my vanity mirror. My cheeks are flushed and as I stare at my reflection, I can't stop the smile that slowly spreads across my face. Because at the end of the day, no matter how terrified I am of this entire situation, there is nothing I want more than to find out firsthand what a man like Bentley Reed is really made of.
