Page 48 of You and I

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“You're fucking perfect Logan.” He says as he slowly enters me, this time not pulling out but sliding all the way in. “You feel that?” He breathes against my mouth, pushing as far inside of me as he can until I swear I can feel him in my belly.

I cry out at the feeling of how completely he fills me, my body pooling moisture all around him as he slowly begins moving inside of me. “I've never felt a woman bare before. Fuck Logan.” He pants, picking up the pace slightly.

Knowing that this is new for him, that he's never felt this before, only makes me want to show him more, give him more. Why I felt like I could trust him with something as important as this is beyond me but it's there just the same. I trust him. I can't explain it but I just do.

“You're so warm.” He breathes against my mouth, taking my lips with his once more. Pushing up, I meet him thrust for thrust as he begins pounding against me. Our bodies crash together so violently that the sound echos in the silence around us as we both cling to one another, trying to anchor each other to the earth.

The harder his thrusts become, the more I want. I can feel my body winding so tightly, I know it is only moments before I tear apart below him. “Bentley.” His name comes off my lips in a plea as the build starts working its way in, so intense I can barely tolerate it.

“Bentley.” I cry out again, my orgasm ripping through me so intensely I have to fight back the tears that threaten to escape my eyes. Not because it hurts, but because it's so pleasurable, it's borderline painful. Proof that he is capable of pushing my body to a point that no other man has done before.

It's only seconds before he is falling with me. His movements becoming unpredictable and erratic before finally stilling inside of me, the weight of his body collapsing down on mine on one final growl.

I can feel his heart hammering in his chest against mine as we both struggle to catch our breath. Reaching out, I wrap my arms around him and slowly trail my fingertips up and down his back, counting the seconds as his breathing evens and his heartbeat slows, his erection eventually softening inside of me.

Pulling back, he stares down at me for a moment, studying my face, his hand pushing my hair away from my forehead and then trailing down my cheek. He opens his mouth like he is going to say something but instead he lowers his mouth and presses his lips gently against mine.

“I never fed you dinner.” He says, pulling back with a goofy grin.

“I ruined your picnic.” I pout playfully, not able to ignore the growl of my stomach at the thought of eating.

“Ruined it?” His smile turns wicked. “You made it the best picnic I have ever had.” He kisses me again before pulling back. “But I suppose I should feed you now.” He pushes his weight from me and rolls to the side before pushing himself out of bed.

Reaching out, I wrap the sheet below me around my body before allowing him to pull me out of bed. “Should we go back and clean up?” I ask, referring to the items we left on the beach.

“No need. It's already been taken of.” He says, laughing at the surprised look I give him as he steps into his boxers. “Bathroom is through there.” He points, catching onto what I am looking for before I even have a chance to ask.

“Thank you.” I say, wrapping the sheet tighter around myself as I hurry into the open door just feet from where we are standing and close it behind me. It takes me a moment to locate the light but once it clicks on, I have to strain through the intensity as my eyes adjust to the brightness.

Blinking a few times, I finally get a clear view of myself in the mirror. My lips are swollen and red. My hair, a tangled mess of knots and waves. My skin is flushed and my cheeks are bright. I look an absolute mess and yet, really happy at the same time.

Dropping the sheet, I quickly use the restroom and freshen up in the sink before slipping into a fluffy white robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. When I re-enter the bedroom moments later, Bentley is sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling at me in a way that literally makes my knees shake.

Holy shit, I'm in trouble.

“Better?” He asks, standing.

“Much.” I say, crossing the space. “I hope you don't mind.” I say, gesturing to the robe.

“As long as you don't mind that I fully intend to remove it again once I have fed you.” He smiles wickedly as he closes in on me.
