Page 49 of You and I

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I wake with a jolt, immediately confused by my unfamiliar surroundings. It takes a moment for yesterday's events to sink back in and as they do, I relax back into the bed and stare up through the skylight at the morning sky above. It's cloudy and I can tell by the water pooling down the glass panes that it rained at some point throughout the night, likely after I had fallen asleep.

Rolling to my side, I look towards the door, fully expecting to see Bentley standing in the archway with a goofy grin on his face. But to my disappointment, I see no signs of him anywhere. Pushing myself into a sitting position, I strain to see if I can hear anything but there is only silence filtering around me.

Peeling myself off of the cloud like mattress, I quickly locate my dress and undergarments, still on the floor where they had been discarded last night. Quickly slipping on my clothing, I do my best to straighten the wrinkle in my dress before grabbing my heels and heading quietly out into the main room of the house.

The moment my bare feet hit the cool hard wood, visions of last night come flooding back like a tidal wave. The way Bentley made love to me on this very floor. The way his hands trailed my body. The way he whispered into my ear, telling me how amazing I felt beneath him. Just the thought, causes a tingle to creep through my lower belly.

Trying to shake off the memory but not able to wipe away the smile it brings to my face, I quickly cross the space into the kitchen and pull open the refrigerator. Immediately more memories flood to the surface. Bentley chasing me through the kitchen. Me screaming and laughing like a child trying to get away from him. Reaching for a bottle of water, I laugh when the vision of Bentley wrestling me to the ground comes to my mind. I can still see his smiling, dimple filled face as he hovered over me, laughing like he didn't have a care in the world.

While most of our night was spent holed up in the bedroom, there were also small moments that made me see Bentley in a completely different light. The way he tucked my hair behind my ear as we sat on the couch talking and eating sandwiches. The way he joked and laughed with me. It was enough to permanently attach this ridiculous grin I am now wearing.

Opening my water, I take a long drink, stopping mid way through my swallow when I spot a note sitting on top of the granite counter top. Pulling the bottle away from my mouth, I sit it down next to the paper and then retrieve the note with shaky fingers.

Had to head back to New York.

The house is paid through the night so stay as long as you like.

Thank you for last night.


The smile instantly falls from my face as I read his words. Thank you for last night? Makes me sound like a prostitute that he is thanking for services. A sick feeling quickly forms in the pit of my stomach as I crumble up the note and toss it in the trash can to my left.

I don't know what I was expecting exactly. After last night, I guess I feel like I deserve more than a stupid note that makes me feel the opposite of how I felt three minutes ago. Shaking my head, I take a deep breath and try to remind myself who I am dealing with here.

Isn't this what I wanted? For him to back off? I should be happy that he spared me the awkward morning after conversation. And maybe now that he has had his fill, he will leave me alone and I can go back to my normal life. The one I was happily living before he showed up and threw everything out of wack.

Slipping on my heels, I quickly make my way to the front door, not bothering to look behind me as I do. The moment I step outside, I take a deep breath and quickly head for the stone path. Last night the walk over seemed like an eternity, but I think that was more from the anticipation of what was to come.

It only takes me about ten minutes to reach Andrea's parent's vacation house. Knowing full well that I probably look like a complete tramp, given that I am still in last nights clothes and makeup, I consider sneaking in a window rather than knocking on the front door. The last thing I need right now is to see the disapproving eyes of two people who already don't like me very much.

Not that they hate me or anything, I'm just not like them. They come from money, country clubs, big houses and expensive cars. While I come from, well nothing. My grandmother tried her best but being landed with a child unexpectedly on a very fixed income, didn't bode well for us. But even still, she never complained and even found a way to pay for my dance classes, though I suspect that Patty worked out something with her years ago or she probably would not have been able to afford to keep me in class.

The door opens in front of me, pulling me from my thoughts and I jump slightly at the unexpected appearance of Seth, Andrea's father. His eyes widen slightly when he sees me, clearly not expecting to see me just standing here.

“Everything okay Anna?” He asks, pulling the door closed behind him as he steps out onto the porch. Seth is a nice looking man, older of course, but he's aged very well. He keeps himself in really good shape and I can see by his shorts and t-shirt that he is on his way out for a run.

“Yeah, fine.” I say, giving him a forced smile. Truth is, I am not fine. I am mortified. I can tell by the way his eyes dance across my face that he knows what I've been up to. I can feel the judgment in his stance and the disapproval in his glare.

“Andrea is still asleep. Perhaps you can wake her up and actually get her to do something other than lay at the pool today?” He suggests, popping in his ear buds and throwing me a nod before stepping down the stairs and taking off in a jog down the stone pathway.

Determined to get inside as quickly as possible and hopefully not have to have a similar interaction with Janet, Andrea's mom, I peel the door open and without looking around, head straight back to my room, peeking in on Andrea as I do.

Sure enough, just as her father indicated, Andrea is sprawled out on the bed snoring lightly. I tip toe across the hall to my room and quickly slip out of my dress and into a pair of comfy shorts and a tank top. I crawl into my bed, hoping that I can find it in me to get just a little more sleep.

I can hear the rain starting again and can't help but wonder how long it will be until Seth returns and no doubt tells Janet about the state he found me in this morning. I don't know why I care what they think so much. Maybe because Andrea is one of my only friends and I really don't want her parents to dislike me anymore than they probably already do.

I listen to the drops of rain as they hit the roof. At first they start out slow and light but quickly morph into a heavy rainfall that drowns out everything around me. Snuggling deeper into the blanket, I try to push away the memory of Bentley but try as I may, I can't do it. When I open my eyes I see him. When I close my eyes, I see him. And now I know what a horrible mistake I have made. Bentley may get his fill of me but what happens if I can't get my fill of him?


“Do you really have to leave?” Andrea whines from her spot on the bed as I pack up the rest of my belongings.

“Non refundable ticket.” I remind her. “Trust me, if I could stay, I would.” I say, turning to face her. “I am in no rush to go back to Chicago.”
