Page 10 of Force of Gravity

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I don’t take offense to it; I know he’s only trying to make sure I know how to do things properly. As he’s said at least a dozen times since I started, you can never assume that people these days know how to do even the simplest of tasks. I’m guessing he’s had a few bad experiences with new hires.

Other than his helicopter training technique, he’s actually a pretty nice guy. And if I’m being honest, I might have developed a tiny crush on him over the last few days. Which is kind of funny, given that when I met him I didn’t think he was all that attractive. I’ve never liked the hipster look, but for some reason with him it’s growing on me. I’m actually starting to like his facial hair, glasses, and the weird little beanie he always sports, despite the fact that it’s around the eighty degree mark on the daily.

He’s got warm chocolate eyes and one of those smiles that puts you at ease. He’s quite a bit taller than me, but then again, who isn’t? And he doesn’t have a bad body either. A little skinny, but nice shoulders and I would almost bet he’s rocking at least the beginnings of a six pack under that plain gray tee of his. Not saying I would date the guy, but I’m ninety-nine percent sure I would sleep with him if the opportunity arose. Just sayin...

He’s a senior at WSU and has been working here since he was a sophomore in high school. He told me his major but for some reason I can’t seem to remember what it was. Computer Science maybe? He seems like the type.

“Did I pass Stocking Cup Lids 101?” I tease.

“Don’t be a smartass.” He grins before heading back toward the counter.

“I’m just asking. You’d think after almost a week I would have proved to you that I’m competent enough to stack some lids on top of each other.” I follow after him.

It’s almost two in the afternoon so the shop is pretty empty with the exception of a handful of college students sporadically situated at tables with their faces in their laptops, fingers moving across the keyboards so fast I wonder if half of them are even conscious of what they’re typing.

“You’ll be glad I trained you so thoroughly when I’m gone. Especially if you plan on staying here for the next four years.”

“That’s the plan.”

I’m a creature of habit. I like stability. Routine. Structure. Not that I’m opposed to being spontaneous every once in a while, but when it comes to everyday life, I like knowing what to expect. Plus, I’m not huge on change.

“Then stop bitching and start paying attention.”

“And what, do tell, should I be paying attention to? The way you slice open the box? Or is it the way you slide the sleeve of cup lids out of the plastic wrap? Or...”

“That’s enough.” He cuts me off with an amused snort. “I get it. You’re not incompetent.”

“Finally.” I smack my hand lightly on the counter. “He admits it.”

“You are a smartass, though.”

“Thank you.” I give him a cheesy smile.

“Lord help me.” He shakes his head and laughs.

Are we flirting?

My goodness I think we might be.

And what’s more...

I’m enjoying it.

“So listen,” he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, “I was thinking, since you’re new to the area and I’ve lived here my entire life, maybe I could show you around sometime. You know, take you to some of the best local spots. Show you where you can get the best burger, that kind of thing.”

“You want to show me around?” I cock a brow, honestly a little surprised he’d want to have anything to do with me after the way I’ve been busting his balls all week. It’s all been in good fun, of course, but not everyone can take my smart mouth and the crap that comes out of it.

“Yeah, that is if you want me to show you around.”

It’s cute that he seems a little nervous. Some guys don’t wear it well but on him it’s kind of endearing.

“I’d like that.” I try not to sound too eager.

Truth be told, I’d probably agree even if I didn’t think he was hot. At this point, I’d do just about anything to get out of that apartment. And it’s not like I’m swimming in friends at the moment.

“Really?” One side of his mouth quirks up in a smile.

“Yeah, why not?” I shrug. “Might be fun.”
