Page 9 of Force of Gravity

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“Zoe?” My voice goes up an octave. “She’s amazing.”

“In your eyes, maybe. To me, she’s kind of a bitch.”

“Shut up.” I shove his shoulder. “You know, that’s how most people refer to me. I guess it’s true what they say, birds of a feather.”

“They only say that about you because they don’t know you.”

“Or maybe it’s because theydoknow me.” I shrug. I know who I am and I also know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay with me. Helps me to know who my real friends are because they’re the only ones that can tolerate me.

“I don’t think you’rethatbad,” he teases.

“That’s because we’re so alike. The only difference is you know how to keep your mouth shut and I...”


“Exactly,” I agree wholeheartedly.

“You talked to Mom today?” He changes the subject abruptly.

“Not yet, but I’ll probably call her later. You?”

“Not in a couple days. You think she’s doing okay? With us being gone and her being all alone in that empty house.”

“Mom?” I shake my head. “Please, that woman is probably dancing around the house naked to Paula Abdul with a glass of Merlot in her hand.”

“Oh god.” He snorts out a laugh. “You’re probably right. Although, that’s a mental image I do not want to take root... Oh no, it’s already there. I can’t shake it.” He makes a show of shaking his head so violently it looks like he’s head banging at a heavy metal concert.

I buckle over in laughter, not realizing we have an audience until his voice fills the room.

“Um, do I even want to know?”

My back goes ramrod straight as my gaze slides to the door right as Atlas pushes it closed, a plastic bag dangling from his right hand.

“No dude, you really don’t,” Brennon answers. “See, I knew I heard something about food,” he tells me, gesturing to the bag in Atlas’s hand. “I guess I was dreaming the titties part. Unless you told the girls to wait outside?” My brother looks up at his best friend almost hopeful.

“Ewe.” I smack him. “Sister.” I gesture to myself.

“Sadly, no girls.” Atlas frowns. “Just chow mein, fried rice, kung pao chicken, and a couple egg rolls.”

“Next best thing.” Brennon pushes to his feet. “You better have gotten enough for me.”

“No dude, I went out and bought all this food for myself.” Atlas rolls his eyes dramatically, handing my brother the bag of food when he reaches for it. He takes it greedily and heads into the kitchen. “There’s plenty if you want some, too.” His gaze comes to me for the first time since he walked into the apartment.

“Why? Did you poison it or something?” I seriously can’t help myself. I’m so used to him being an asshole that when he’s an actual semi-decent human being I can’t seem to shut off my bitch switch.

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I did.” He rolls his eyes a second time. “Now shut the fuck up and go get something to eat.”

“I actually already ate, but thanks anyway.”

“Suit yourself.”

With that, he heads into the kitchen with Brennon, bringing my otherwise peaceful Saturday to a screeching halt.


“So these go here. Andthen you want to put the stir sticks over here.” I set the lids where Travis instructs and then move to the side so he can stock the stirrers. “Perfect.” He takes a step back to look at our work.

It’s been six days since I started my new job atBrewers. And while I like it, Travis, the guy responsible for training me, has pretty much followed me around with his head up my ass the entire time, walking me through how to do every single thing like I’m a first grader.
