Page 103 of Force of Gravity

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I stand, turning to give her a swift hug when she reaches me.

“When did you get in?” she asks, pulling back to give me a smile. I used to look at her like the woman who ruined everything. Now I’m starting to think maybe she’s the woman who saved everything.

“Just a little bit ago. I’m not staying long. I just needed to have a conversation with my father.”

“Oh, well, can you at least stay for dinner? I’ve got a pot roast in the oven and I know how much you like pot roast.”

I have to ignore my knee jerk instinct to refuse. If I want to try to build a relationship with my father, we’re going to have to start somewhere.

Truth be told, I’ve never had any desire to fix things with my dad. But Barlow changed all that. Without me even realizing it, she changed me. She made me want things I never thought I’d want. And I knew if I had a shot in hell of being a man worthy of her, I had to take care of the baggage that’s been weighing me down for years.

So I guess you can say I owe her a thank you. Because of her, I finally know the truth. Because of her, I can finally start to heal. Because of her, I now understand what it means to love someone more than you love yourself.

Because I do love her.

I think I always have, but I was too blinded by my pain to let myself see it.

Seeing her with that other guy made me realize that I never want to see her with anyone that isn’t me for as long as I live.

That’s why I’m here.

That’s why I’m trying.

Because I love her.

Fuck, it feels good to allow myself to freely admit it.

I’m in love with Barlow Ross.

And while I have no idea where to go from here, or what Brennon will have to say about this revelation of mine, there’s one thing I know for certain. I will fight tooth and nail for the chance to be the man standing beside her. It’s just yet to be seen what that will entail.

“You know what, I’d like that,” I answer Eve, who beams back at me. “But, should you be cooking in your condition?” I gesture to her belly.

“Oh please. There are women who work on their feet until the day they deliver. I still have three months to go. I think I can handle making dinner.” She swipes her hand through the air.

“And how is the little nugget?” I ask.

“She,” Eve runs her hand over her stomach, “is doing wonderfully. I think we might have a soccer player on our hands with the way she kicks me non-stop.”

“She,” I repeat, wrapping my head around the fact that I’m going to have a little sister.

Suddenly, everything that’s happened with Barlow comes into full perspective. How Brennon must feel about all this shit, if he even knows because I sure as shit haven’t told him.

How would I feel if someone treated my sister the way I’ve treated Brennon’s? I haven’t even met her yet and I already know that I’d likely beat their skull in.

“Have you picked out a name yet?” I ask, trying to reel in emotions that I’m not accustomed to feeling.

“Olivia,” my father answers, clasping me on the shoulder. “And we’d love if you could fly in when she’s born. I’m sure she’ll be anxious to meet her big brother.”

“Well, Olivia,” I speak directly to Eve’s stomach. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I look back up at Eve who’s watching me with tears in her eyes.

“It’s really good to see you, Atlas.” She reaches out and takes my hand. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

“Me too,” I admit, the anger I’ve carried all these years seeming to melt away in an instant.

It’s strange how it takes months or years to build a wall but only minutes to tear it down. I’ve spent the last six years stacking bricks, over and over until my father couldn’t break through no matter how hard he tried. And in one conversation, in one moment, it vanished, almost like it was never there at all.
