Page 28 of Force of Gravity

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“Barlow.” My name is so faint that for a moment I think I’m hearing things. “Barlow.” There it is again.

I stop midstride and turn around to see Brennon jogging toward me.

“You deaf? I said your name like ten times.”

“Sorry.” I try to plaster on a smile even though my insides feel like liquid tar.

“Everything okay? Where are you going?”

“To buy a new blanket and pillow, apparently,” I bite out bitterly.

While I had no intention of saying anything to my brother about what happened upstairs, my mouth obviously has a mind of its own...

“Um... Why?” He quirks a brow, not trying to hide his confusion.

“Because I just came home and found Atlas and some chick half naked on the couch, and I am not sleeping with something his diseased ass has touched.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” he says more to himself than to me. “I warned him about that shit.”

“You did?” I’m surprised by this news.

“I walked in on him in a pretty compromising position the other day and reminded him that you’re staying with us as well and he needed to keep that shit behind closed doors.”

“Well,” I turn my nose up, “clearly he didn’t get the message.”

“Clearly,” he grumbles. “I’m sorry, Bar. I’ll take care of it. You have my word.”

“Thank you.”

“You want some company? I have a few things I need to pick up from the store anyway.”

“You’re not going up?” I gesture to the apartment building.

“After what you just told me.” He shakes his head. “I’ll pass.”

“Yeah.” A light laugh slides past my lips. “Can’t say I blame you.”

“Come on. It’s a nice evening for a walk. We can even stop by that little pizza place around the corner if you’re hungry.”

“Only if you’re buying.”

“Don’t I always.” He turns back in the direction I just came from, waiting for me to follow him before heading toward the sidewalk. He doesn’t miss the red bra hanging from the tree as we pass it.

“Don’t ask.” I bite my lower lip to keep myself from smiling.

Humor dances across my brother’s face but he doesn’t say a word.

“Where have you been anyway?” I ask as we round the corner away from the apartment complex.

“I, um, had some study thing.”

“Study thing?” I tease, bumping my shoulder into his. “And would this study thing have anything to do with a cute girl you’re crushing on?” I ask.

“Atlas told you?”

“He may have mentioned it.” I shrug, thankful to have something else to focus on.

My anger recedes as Brennon and I make the mile walk to the nearest department store. He doesn’t tell me much about mystery girl, only that they’rejustfriends. I’d say there’s more to it than that but I don’t pry, knowing he’ll tell me when and if he feels it pertinent. By the time we reach the pizza joint an hour later, a new bag of bedding in hand, I’ve almost forgotten about the events of the evening.Almost...
