Page 29 of Force of Gravity

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Don’t get me wrong, I’m still mad. Only now it’s directed more toward myself than Atlas. I let my guard down and I gave him an in. It won’t happen again.

“So, how’s the job hunt going?” I ask my brother as I pick a pepperoni off the slice of pizza in front of me and pop it into my mouth.

“Good,” he says around a mouthful of food before swallowing it. “I’ve got an interview on Monday at Tom’s, that bar and grill by campus. I don’t relish the idea of being a waiter, but a couple of guys in my Econ class work there and say the tips are really good.”

“That doesn’t surprise me. I walk past that place almost every day on my way home and it’s always slammed.”

“Atlas applied there, too.”

“Of course he did,” I grumble.

“Am I sensing some animosity there?” He grins knowingly.

“Can’t he get his own life? He followed you around high school like he couldn’t tie his shoes without you. Then, he followed you across the country for college, insisted that you two share an apartment, and now he wants to get a job at the same place as you.” I roll my eyes. “Shocker.”

“Cut him some slack. He needs to be around family.”

“Newsflash, we aren’t his family.”

“Not by blood, but we are in the way that matters. And given all the shit with his parents and now his dad having a new baby, it’s a lot. Can you blame the guy for wanting to get away?”

“Wait, Eve is pregnant?” I question, having not heard about this.

“Five-ish months, if I’m not mistaken.” My brother nods, taking another bite of pizza.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Didn’t figure you’d care given how much you detest Atlas. Besides, it hasn’t come up until now.”

“Just because he irritates me doesn’t mean I don’t care what’s going on,” I clarify.

“I think irritates is a bit of an understatement.” He gives me a knowing look over the rim of his cup as he takes a drink of Coke.

“Fine. I detest him,” I admit. “But I care about him, too. You know it’s complicated.”

“Trust me, I’m painfully aware of how complicated it is. I have to listen to you two every day.”

“We aren’t that bad, are we?”

“Are you kidding?” He snorts. “You’re like an old married couple that should have divorced years ago but stay together out of spite. Sometimes it’s exhausting just being in the same room with you two.”

“I’m sorry.” I frown. “I didn’t realize it was that bad for you.”

“Relax, Bar. I’ve gotten used to it over the years. Though sometimes I wouldn’t mind knocking your heads together.”

“I’d appreciate if you didn’t.”

The smile on my face falls when I look up to see Atlas and blondie enter the restaurant. My brother senses my shift in mood and follows my line of sight as Atlas looks in our direction.

My stomach dips when he throws up a hand in a half wave and starts to head in our direction.

Of course he would show up here.

Of course he would disrupt the only real moment of peace I’ve had in days.

And of course,shewould be with him.

Though I do have a little laugh to myself when I notice she’s not wearing a bra. Guess she decided retrieving it wasn’t worth climbing a tree.
