Page 30 of Force of Gravity

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“Fancy seeing you two here.” Atlas smiles like he doesn’t have a care in the world. “Mind if we join you?”



My brother and I give different answers in unison. I bet you can guess which answer was mine.

“Awesome.” Atlas ignores me as he drags the chair at the end of the four person table to the other side, allowing him and lack of red bra to sit next to each other.

“Actually, I’m gonna bounce,” I tell my brother, pushing my half eaten piece of pizza to the side.

“Barlow.” Brennon’s eyes follow me as I grab my shopping bag and stand.

“It’s fine. I’m really tired and have some school work to get done. You guys finish up and I’ll see you back at the apartment later.”

“Are you sure?” He seems hesitant to let me leave alone.

“I’m sure.” I give him a look I know he’ll understand.

Twins and all.

He nods once.

“Text me once you’re home.”

“Will do.”

“You don’t have to leave on our account,” Atlas finally chimes in.

Without acknowledging him or the woman at his side, I turn and exit the restaurant without another word.


“So, how is everythingelse? Are you liking your classes?” my dad asks.

I shift my cell phone from one ear to the other, as I make the short walk toBrewers. I picked up a half shift today to help cover since we’re short staffed after two girls quit, even though the last thing I want to do on my Friday evening is work. Then again, I’d much rather do that than be at home with a certainyou know who.

“Yeah, my classes are good. Though I hate that I have to take so many that have nothing to do with my degree.”

“Yeah, unfortunately that’s just the way it is.” If anyone understands this, it’s my dad, given that not only did he attend the same college, but he also majored in the same thing as well.

“I know.” I blow out a breath, the late afternoon heat causing beads of sweat to form at the nape of my neck. The temperature has been pretty pleasant this week, averaging around the mid-seventies, but today feels like it’s a million degrees out.

“And how is living with Brennon and Atlas? They treating you okay?”

I have to bite back the words that threaten to spill from my lips and utter a bullshit response instead.

“Yeah, of course.”

It’s not a complete lie. Brennon is treating me just fine. It’s the other roommate that’s causing all the trouble.

It’s been a full week since the bathroom incident withhe who must not be namedand six days since I’ve spoken a single word to him. You heard that right. I have not so much as uttered a ‘hello’ in his direction. Hell, I haven’t even looked at him, knowing that if I did I might be tempted to inflict bodily harm. That hasn’t stopped him from taking jabs at me every time we’re in the same room. Though if I had to guess, he doesn’t enjoy it nearly as much when he doesn’t get a reaction from me.

“That’s good. Any news from the housing department?”

“Not yet, but I’ve been reassured that Iwillhave a room next semester.”

“Only you.” My dad chuckles.
