Page 58 of Force of Gravity

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When I turn around, Atlas is once again standing in the mouth of the hallway. “Oh my god, not this shit again.”

“You are. Look at you.” He gestures to all of me.

“You’re delusional.” I roll my eyes, crossing my arms in front of myself when I realize I have nowhere to escape to, given that were standing in my makeshift bedroom, and I sure as shit am not going outside in my pajamas, wet hair and no shoes.

“Am I?” He cocks his head to the side, coming further into the room. “Why won’t you just say it, B? Tell me how you feel?”

“I feel like you’re really starting to piss me off,” I seethe.

“Barlow.” His voice is low as he inches closer to me, one small step at a time. “For someone who always speaks her mind, I find very little of the time do you actually speak the truth.”

“Are you saying I lie?”

“No, I’m saying you deflect. Like right now for instance. You’re angry with me. I’d be able to pick up on that even if I hadn’t known you half my life... and I have. So tell me why? Don’t spout some bullshit insult or try to turn it around on me. For once, tell me how you really feel.”

“Go fuck yourself.” I’m growing antsy, nervous, feeling like I’m cornered with no way out. I feel the panic start to creep in.

“There you go again.” He tsks, coming to a stop about a foot in front of me. “Just say it, Barlow. You know you want to. Just fucking say it.”

Not able to take another second of the tension building, words are spilling out of my mouth like vomit before I can think to stop myself.

“I’m jealous, okay!” My voice rips from my throat, the sound reverberating off the walls around us. “There, is that what you wanted to hear?” I throw my arms up in defeat.

I expect him to mock me, or at the very least laugh, but he doesn’t do either of those things. Instead, he reaches forward and fists my shirt, tugging me toward him. My body hits his with a soft thud, and even though I know he’s waiting for me to look up, I can’t quite bring myself to do it.

After a few seconds, he reaches down, tucking his hand under my chin before lifting my face to meet his.

“I didn’t have sex with her.” His gaze holds mine intently. “I tried. Well, she tried.” I cock a brow, sucking in a sharp breath when his lips quirk up in a small smile.

“What happened?” I whisper.

“She wasn’t you.” His hand slides into the back of my hair, holding my face in place. “And there, mybeautifulBarlow, ismytruth.”

Beautiful Barlow...B... B isn’t for baby but forbeautiful? My head is spinning and I’m grasping to keep up with how fast everything seems to be unraveling in front of my very eyes. But before I can, before I can make sense of even one single word he’s said, his mouth closes over mine and everything fades into the background and all there is, is this.

The feeling of his lips against mine, the taste of him on my tongue, the way his fingers tug gently at my hair, which I feel straight to my core. My senses are on overload.

“Tell me what you want, B,” he murmurs against my lips.

“You,” I admit, pulling back far enough to look into his eyes. “I want you.”

I see it happen. The triumph. The excitement. The arousal. It’s all there, staring back at me.

When his mouth comes to mine again, it’s not like the first kiss. No, this one is rough and demanding and sends my desire into a whole other stratosphere.

“Take me to your room.” It’s my turn to murmur against his lips.

“Fuck,” he groans. “I’ve waited my whole life to hear you say those words to me.”

Before I can even begin to question what that means, I’m hoisted off the ground and into his arms. Atlas carries me with ease, tasting and teasing my neck as he fumbles toward his bedroom.

I’m all over the place. My nerves frayed. My heartbeat erratic. My core so tight I feel like I might rip apart from the inside out.

I can’t think. Hell, I’m pretty sure I can’t breathe. And as Atlas kicks the door closed and pins me to the back of it, I’m fairly certain I’ve died and this sick, sweet torture is my own personal slice of heaven.

We don’t speak.

We don’t give ourselves time to think.
