Page 57 of Force of Gravity

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Normally, I would take clothes into the bathroom with me but in my haste to avoid confrontation with Atlas, I did not do it this time around.

“I can’t see anything important.” He smirks, making a show of letting his eyes trace my body before they come back up to my face.

“You’re an ass.” I turn, stomping down the hallway to the living room.

Atlas follows me but I don’t turn around as I carefully lower myself into a squat between the wall and the couch where I keep my suitcase. I flip it open and rummage through the contents for a clean pair of pajamas, making a mental note that I’m going to need to make a trip downstairs to the common laundry room before too long. It’s been well over a week since I’ve gone and I didn’t bring that many clothes with me to begin with.

Finally locating a pair of plaid, cotton shorts and an old t-shirt, I stuff a pair of clean underwear in between the two articles of clothing before standing, very cautious as to not flash Atlas my lady bits in the process.

When I turn around, he’s standing at the mouth of the hall, watching me, his expression stoic.

“Seriously, can I help you with something?” I shove past him as I head back toward the bathroom.

“Why are you mad?” He follows closely behind me.

“Why would you think I’m mad?” I enter the bathroom, slamming the door in his face.

“Because of how you’re acting,” he says through the door. Without the water running I can hear him perfectly.

“I’m not acting like anything. I came home, got in the shower, and you’ve been harassing me ever since. Seriously, it’s like you have a guilty conscience or something.”

“What would I have to feel guilty about?”

I slip on the last item of clothing and pull the wet towel from my hair, running my fingers through the wet strands in an effort to get some of the knots out.

Deciding I need my hairbrush, I tug the door back open.

“You tell me.” I duck under his arm because at this point he’s blocking the entire doorway.

“I don’t know. You’re the one who seems pissed off.” Instead of following me this time, he waits for me to come back, obviously knowing I will.

“I wonder why that is.”

I have to duck back under his arm to re-enter the bathroom.

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”

“You’ve never cared when you’ve pissed me off before, not sure why you care now.” I let out an annoyed sigh as I begin to tug the brush through my hair.

“Is it because you think I fucked her?” He leans his shoulder against the doorframe.

“Let me guess, you don’t even know her name.” I curl my nose in the mirror. Why else would he refer to her asher.Like I’m supposed to know whoheris.

“It’s Claire, if you must know.”

“Claire,” I say all dreamy and fairy princess like, batting my eyelashes dramatically.

“For having a truce, you’re really being pretty shitty.”

“Me?” My eyes widen as I slam the brush onto the vanity and spin toward him. “You’re the one that keeps bringing random women into our apartment. You probably fucked her where I sleep just for a good laugh.”

“And there it is.” A smirk slowly tugs at his mouth.

“There what is?” I grab my deodorant, rolling some on before replacing the cap.

Without waiting for his response, I push past him and head into the living room, tossing my brush and deodorant into my open suitcase without caring where they land.

“You’re jealous.”
