Page 63 of Force of Gravity

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“Just wasn’t feeling it,” I admit, shrugging off his comment.

Though ‘not feeling it’ isn’t entirely true. I was totally feeling it, up until the point she was getting ready to slide my dick into her mouth and I looked down and saw Barlow.

It fucked me up. To the point I couldn’t stay hard after that because I kept looking down wanting it to be Barlow, but when it wasn’t it was like being doused with cold water. She was a good sport about it but I was pissed.

And then seeing Barlow’s reaction when she saw her leaving the apartment. I’m sure it looked like we had been fucking. Hell, if my stupid fucking brain would have shut the fuck up, we likely would have been.

She was jealous. I could tell immediately. And for some reason that spurred me the fuck on. I had to know if I was right. I had to know if she was as fucked up about me as I was about her. And then she said it and I swear, every fucking coherent thought flew out the fucking window and all I wanted was to allow myself to have the one thing I had been trying to convince myself for years I didn’t want.

Pretending wasn’t working anymore.

I needed action.

I needed to fuck her and get her out of my system.

Only I didn’t fuck her out of my system, I fucked her even further into it.

“Well, guess there’s a first time for everything.” Brennon jabs at me playfully, grating on me further.

I’m used to him busting my balls. He’s been doing it for years, just as I’ve been doing the same to him. But this time it feels more personal. Which I one hundred percent know has to do with me and not him.

“What about you? What’s up with you and that girl?”

“That girl has a name.” He grins. “And things are going good.” If the look on his face could speak words, those words would bepussy whipped.

“Oh shit.” I put my hand over my mouth to contain my chuckle. “You’re so fucked.”

“What? No I’m not.” He shakes his head adamantly, but he can’t wipe the smile from his face no matter how hard he tries.

“Uh huh.” I sip my coffee. “Keep telling yourself that.”

“Whatever.” He shoves my shoulder. “I gotta get ready to bounce. I’ll catch up with you later.”

“Yeah, sounds good.” I nod as he disappears from the kitchen and back down the hallway.

Lifting my cup to my lips, I take another drink, my mind feeling like it’s a million miles away, when a sound to my right catches my attention.

My head turns as Barlow slips into the kitchen. Without a word, she takes the cup from my hands and lifts it to her lips, taking a drink.

She crinkles her nose and hands the cup back to me. She likes her coffee more cream than coffee.

“I’m going to take a shower. I’ll leave the door unlocked if you want to join me once he’s gone.” The dumbfounded look on my face brings a smile to her lips. Lips that I can’t wait to taste again. Lips that I so desperately want wrapped around my cock.

Fuck me...

What did I say about last night being a one-time thing?

I swallow hard, afraid to make a fucking sound, not sure what the hell might come out of my mouth if I do.

Without another word, she turns and saunters down the hall.

That’s it, I’m officially fucked.

Oh, who am I kidding?

I’ve been fucked since the moment I decided to kiss her in that bathroom.

And now, not only am I going to hell, but I’m taking her right down with me...
