Page 64 of Force of Gravity

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“What the fuck are youdoing here?” I give Brennon a funny look when I approach a booth in the far corner of my section and find him sitting there, a menu open in front of him. “Didn’t you leave here a few hours ago? You can’t stay away, can you?”

“I blame them.” He points behind me and I turn to see Barlow and Rita heading toward us from the bathrooms.

I swear to Christ I lose my breath at the sight of Barlow. Her long hair is pulled up in a loose bun, the same way she wore it this morning in the shower in an effort to keep it from getting wet.

The memory of her pressed against the shower wall, water cascading down her bare back as I took her from behind fills my vision and I quickly look away, not able to meet her gaze.

“Rita wanted to see where I work and Barlow insisted on tagging along.”

“Sounds about right,” I grumble, pretending to be annoyed.

“What can I get everyone to drink?” I wait until Rita takes a seat next to Brennon and Barlow slides into the booth opposite them before asking.

“Water.” Brennon leans back, slinging his arm along the back of the booth. “Tea, please.” Rita is the next to answer, giving me a warm smile. She really is an attractive girl, I’ll give Brennon that. And if not for being completely consumed by a certain brunette beauty, I’d probably be thinking a slew of inappropriate things about her right now.

“And you?” I turn to Barlow, forcing my eyes to meet hers.

“Hmm.” She taps on her chin like she’s thinking really hard about it. “I think I’ll take a Shirley Temple.”

“What are you, six?” Brennon barks out a laugh.

“There is nothing wrong with a Shirley Temple. I happen to love them.” Rita nudges him with her shoulder, giving him a pointed look.

I, on the other hand, am trying really hard not to lose my shit in front of everyone and blow this little ruse we seem to be putting on.

She’s purposely fucking with me.

Wanna know how I know?

Because after the shower we moved our festivities to the couch where Barlow turned on the television to the first thing she could find, which was an old movie from the forties starring no other than, you guessed it, Shirley Temple.

Of course, neither of us really watched it, for reasons I’m sure you can guess.

“What do you think, Atlas?” Barlow bats her lashes at me dramatically.

“About what?” I clear my throat that suddenly feels like sandpaper.

“Do you like Shirley Temple?” Her eyes glitter mischievously and let me tell you, if I could jerk her out of that booth and fuck her right here, right now, I would.

“The drink or the actress?” I ask.


“The drink leaves a little to be desired. The actress however...” I grin, wiggling my eyebrows, knowing only Barlow will understand exactly what I mean.

“Such a dude thing to say,” Rita interjects, finally breaking my focus from Barlow who seems a little flushed all of a sudden.

“Good thing I’m a dude.” I shrug nonchalantly. “I’ll be right back with your drinks. Figure out what you want to eat.” I glance at the watch on my wrist, relieved that it’s almost nine and that I’m the first server out tonight. “My shift is over in about twenty, so I’ll order some food and join you guys once I cash out my last two tables.”

“Sounds good, man.” Brennon lifts his chin.

I purposely avoid looking at Barlow, afraid I might crack and jump on top of her if I do. It’s like she’s an animal in heat, calling to me, luring me in with her siren song. As I proved last night and again this morning, I can’t fucking resist.

I bring their drinks over a couple minutes later and get their food orders but I wait until I’ve cashed out my other tables before putting them in. Once the food is ready, I run it over to their table and leave it, while I head back to clock out.

Slipping out of my work polo into the plain gray t-shirt I wear underneath, I head back out into the dining room and slide into the booth next to Barlow, who scoots over to give me room.
