Page 72 of Force of Gravity

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Isnuggle deeper intomy oversized sweater as I make the walk across the grounds toward class, tucking my cell phone into the side pouch of my bag, having just finished talking to my dad on the shuttle ride over. He’s working on a new design project and wanted to get my opinion on something. I love that he includes me in his work, something he’s done since I was young. Guess it shouldn’t be a surprise as to why I want to follow in his footsteps.

While I’m happy to talk to him about design all day long, the minute the conversation turned to me, specifically if I was dating anyone or had met anyone around campus, I quickly jumped off the call. No offense to my dad, but I’m not interested in discussing the details of my love life, or lack thereof, with my father.

Besides, there’s really nothing I can tell him. What was I supposed to say, “No, Dad, I haven’t met anyone new, but I’ve been screwing Atlas behind Brennon’s back for like three weeks now.” Yeah, cause I’m surethatwould have been well received.

I still can’t believe it’s been three weeks since our first time together. It feels like yesterday yet my body knows him so well already it feels like so much longer at the same time. I guess that’s what happens when you fuck every day, sometimes multiple times a day if Brennon is at work or hanging out with Rita.

It’s bad. Like really bad.

I’ve become a woman obsessed.

Even just thinking about it makes me ache for his touch, like an addict jonesing for a fix.

We’ve yet to really discuss what’s happening between us. In fact, we spend very little time talking. Not that I’m complaining. It’s easier that way. The physical I can compartmentalize. The emotional, however, that’s something else entirely.

Tugging the sleeves of my sweater down to cover my hands, I’m caught off guard by how quickly the weather has turned. Earlier this week it was in the sixties and today it’s barely above forty and has been drizzling on and off all morning and into the afternoon. Typical October, or so I’m told. Not that I’m not used to temperamental weather. I grew up in Boston, after all. One day the sun would be shining and it would be a warm seventy degrees and two days later we’d be buried in a foot of snow.

I quicken my strides, ducking inside as soon as I reach the doors. The warmth of the hallway engulfs me and I pull in a deep breath, hoping that will somehow help warm my insides. I feel absolutely chilled to the bone.

Taking off in the direction of my English class, I feel thoroughly warmed by the time I arrive. I’m just not sure if it’s because of the warmth of the building or the flush that travels down my body at the sight of Atlas sitting in his normal seat next to mine in the back of the classroom.

He crammed his classes into four days instead of five so he has a class before this one, whereas this one is my first of the day.

He looks up as I enter, hitting me with that breathtaking dimpled smile of his. I swear my heart skips inside my chest.

What a vast difference three weeks can make. I used to dread this class, along with the other one we have together, but now I find myself looking forward to them above just about everything else.

“Hey.” I slide down into my seat, dropping my bag on the floor.

“Your cheeks are red.”

“It’s cold as hell outside.”

“You grew up in Boston, B. I would hope you have a higher tolerance for cold weather than that.” He leans over, brushing a warm hand across my cold face, leaving a trail of heat in his wake.

“I wasn’t accounting for the wind. Next time I’ll bring a jacket.” I playfully push his hand away.

“I can think of a few ways to warm you up,” he offers, that classic smirk tipping his lips.

I dramatically roll my eyes, trying like hell to fight a smile.

“Let’s get out of here,” he offers.

“Um... We just got here.”

“And...” He lets the statement hang.

“And, now you want to leave?”

“Come on, Barlow. You never miss. You have an A in every class. Let’s play hooky today. Go do something fun.”

“Something fun?” I eye him skeptically but can’t stop the excited butterflies from swirling in my stomach like they just took a shot of adrenaline to the heart. “Like what?”

“Whatever we want. Brennon’s in class, which is where he’ll expect us to be, so we won’t have to worry about running into him. We can literally do anything, go anywhere we want. Just the two of us. What do you say?” He pouts his lip out in the cutest way, like I would have been able to say no without that lip.
