Page 76 of Force of Gravity

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Without a word, I lean forward, grabbing the spoon he’s using rather than taking out my own, and scoop me up a big bite. I drip a bit on the table on its way back to me before getting the soup into my mouth.

He’s not wrong, it’s good. But I like mine better.

“Meh.” I shrug, repeating his earlier sentiment. “I think mine’s better.” I lick his spoon up one side and down the other, making sure it’s thoroughly clean. He watches the entire process with a heated expression. “Here ya go.” I extend the spoon back to him.

“Keep that shit up and you will not be getting dessert,” he warns, knowing I’m dying to try this strawberry thing they have on the menu that looks amazing.

“Why not?” I pout out my bottom lip.

“Because I’ll be throwing you in the back of my Jeep and fucking you until you beg for me to stop.”

“Well, that might be a problem.” I lean forward, placing my elbows on either side of my plate.

“And why is that?” He cocks a brow.

“Because I won’t ever beg you to do anything but keep going.” I smirk, loving the way his shoulders tense and his nostrils flare. “Now, eat your soup because I really, really want dessert... to go.” I smile, suddenly hungry for something that has nothing to do with food.


“Where have you been?” Brennon looks up from his laptop when I push my way inside the apartment about three hours later than when I should have been home.

I guess you could say that Atlas and I lost track of time, which is easy to do when we’re together.

“I went to the library after class to get some work done.” I drop my bag just inside the door.

He gives me a funny look as I make my way further into the room.

“Is that Atlas’s hoodie?”

I do my best to keep my expression neutral while internally I’m freaking the fuck out. How could I have been so stupid? When Atlas and I worked it out that he would drop me a block from the apartment and drive around for about thirty minutes before coming home to eliminate any suspicion that we may have been together, it clearly didn’t dawn on either of us that I was still wearing his hoodie. Or rather, that I was wearing it again, considering it was the first thing he took off after we left the restaurant.

I’ve never had sex in a car before, but I have to admit, it was such a rush. Knowing we could get caught at any moment, while also having my body driven absolutely mad by Atlas. It was enough to send me to heights I didn’t even know I could go.

“Oh.” I look down at the red fabric. “It was really cold in English and he offered to let me borrow it. I completely forgot I was even wearing it.”

God, I’m such a liar. And by the look on my brother’s face, he knows it, too. But for reasons I don’t fully understand, he doesn’t push the issue.

“You two have been getting along pretty well recently,” he observes, his gaze going back to his computer screen as his fingers slowly begin to move across the keyboard again.

“Yeah, funny.” I slip off my shoes and reluctantly pull Atlas’s hoodie over my head, tossing it on the back of the chair that my brother is occupying on my way to the kitchen. “Turns out he’s not completely unbearable,” I say, tugging open the fridge.

“Hmm... If only someone had told you that, I don’t know, a million times.”

“Yeah. Yeah.” I grab a water and knock the refrigerator closed with my hip before making my way back into the living room. I plop down on the couch with an audible sigh, propping my feet up on the old, coffee table. “What are you working on anyway?”

“Just some bullshit paper.” He meets my gaze over the screen of his computer. “Everything okay with you?”

“Yeah, why?” I take a long sip of water, trying to seem completely at ease.

“You just seem off lately. Distracted. I feel like I hardly ever see you anymore.”

Have I been avoiding my brother? Maybe a little. But only because I’m afraid if I spend too much time around him, he’ll be able to read the guilt all over my face. When people say twins share a special connection, they aren’t lying. Brennon can feel me. He can sense when something is off just as I can do the same with him.

“I know. I’m sorry. I’ve just been so busy. Between work and school, I feel like I don’t have time to breathe. College is kicking my ass.”

“Yeah, I know the feeling.” He jiggles the laptop resting on his thighs. “I just want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.”
