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“Surprise me.” He leans against the large island in the center of the room.

There’s muffins and pastries leftover from today, I should just offer him those. But that would be too easy. If I want to make it out of this night unscathed, I’m going to need to keep my hands busy.

“Okay. Well what don't you like?” I ask, but before he can answer, I realize that I already know the answer. “Peas, onions, mushrooms, and if I remember correctly, you like fish, but only if it's breaded and fried. No worries there, considering all I really have the ingredients to make are baked goods,” I say, not able to contain my smile at the shocked expression that crosses his face.

“You remember all that?” he asks on a laugh.

“I remember everything,” I admit, turning back toward the refrigerator to hide the emotion that slips across my face.

“Well, I think a test to prove you actually do is in order.”

Swallowing down the lump in my throat, I grab what I need from the refrigerator and make my way to the center of the kitchen to join him.

“Fine. Ask me anything you want. But while you do, put this on,” I say, reaching to the side to retrieve two aprons from a hook on the wall.

“You can't be serious?” He chuckles, holding up the lavender apron in front of him.

“Oh but I am. I would never forgive myself for ruining that amazing, err, t-shirt,” I stutter, realizing that I actually recognize the shirt he’s wearing. Only now, it fits his muscular build much better than it did when he was younger.

I let my eyes travel the length of him and for a moment, lose my train of thought. My god this man is immaculate. Even in an old, gray t-shirt and dark jeans, he looks like a million dollars.

Before he can register my reaction, I quickly slip my own apron on and start laying out the stuff I need to make pancakes, deciding that’s probably my only feasible option if I want to eat anytime soon. And while I wasn’t lying about having not eaten since this morning, my appetite checked out about the same time I saw Westin sitting outside my front door.

“You got that when we visited the UC Berkeley campus.” I gesture to his shirt as I work. “You insisted on buying it because you were convinced within ten minutes of arriving that it was where you were going to go to college.”

“That's right. And you told me that I was getting too ahead of myself and that I shouldn't buy the shirt until I knew for certain, because then if I didn't end up going there...”

“That you would just have some random shirt from a college you didn't attend,” I finish his sentence and we both start laughing.

“God I've missed that.” His words have me glancing up in his direction. “Your laugh. It was always my favorite sound.”

“If you're trying to butter me up, it won't work.” I try to brush off the comment. When things get too serious, I clam up. But joking, laughing, and reminiscing on the good times of our past comes naturally enough.

“Well then what will butter you up?” he asks seductively, his eyes sweeping over my body before making their way back to my face.

“You putting on the apron and helping me feed us,” I say, tossing a hand towel at him as I make my way to the other side to collect some flour.

“I think it's my color.” I can’t help but laugh when I turn back toward him.

“Of course.” I shake my head as I turn back to the island and lay the flour down in front of me.

“What?” He quirks a brow.

“Of course, even something as ridiculous as a lavender apron looks good on you. I'm starting to believe you could make a trash bag look sexy,” I joke, nudging his hip with mine when he slides in beside me.

“Interesting. Well, I can't say I’ve ever worn one. But for you, I think I could make that happen.”

I can't contain the laughter that is building in my throat from spilling out, no matter how hard I try.

“Here, your handsomeness. Why don't you do something productive and break these into this bowl?” I say, scooting the carton of eggs and a bowl toward him.

“I’m at your command, boss.”

When I glance to the side to see him still smiling at me, I know in that instant everything I need to know.

I’m in some serious trouble.

