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“SO YOU REALLY SPENTthree months in Australia? What was that like?” I ask Westin, shoving my last bite of pancake into my mouth.

“Amazing. Hands down one of the best places I’ve been.” He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest, his gaze suddenly falling serious.

“What?” I give him a curious look.

“This is nice.” He gestures between us.

“It is,” I agree, setting my fork onto my empty plate.

I’ve loved listening to him talk about college, having myself a good laugh when he confirmed that he in fact, didnotattend Berkeley. And watching his face light up as he tells me about all his travels- his time in Europe and most recently Australia. But I can't deny the sting that I feel knowing that he left me for that life. He left me alone to fight off my parents and to break out on my own. And while I know ultimately it made me stronger and more self-sufficient, it still doesn't take away the struggle I endured to get to this point.

Sensing my shift in mood, Westin reaches across the table and squeezes my hand, pulling my attention back to him.

“Where did you go?”

“Sorry,” I say, pulling my hand back as I clear my throat. “So what exactly is it that you do for a living?”

He’s silent as I reach for my glass of water, taking a long drink. “What?” I can tell he’s hesitant to answer me. “Please don't tell me you're a male stripper or something.” Even though I hope he's not, I have to admit, he would make one fine stripper.

He laughs at my question and shakes his head.

The longer the silence looms, the tighter the knot in my stomach gets.

“I'm actually a lawyer,” he finally answers.

“I'm sorry, what?” I straighten my posture. “You're kidding, right?” A nervous laugh bubbles in my throat. Westin knows how I feel about the profession, having almost been forced into it by my father. I certainly never saw it as a path he would choose for himself.

“Nope. I’m serious.”

“I just... You... I wouldn't have pegged you for the lawyer type. You're so different from-”

“Your father.”

“Well. Yes. I thought... I don't know. I guess I'm just surprised. So, where do you work?” I ask, realizing at this point, I don’t even know where he actually lives. Though I’d venture to say California.

“I work out of a firm in Sacramento.”

My back goes ramrod straight.

“What firm?” I try to prepare myself for the answer I already know is coming.

“Scarlett, you have to let me explain.” He reaches for my hand, but I pull it away and quickly stand.

“What firm?” I repeat, taking a step away from the table as he scrambles to his feet.

“You know what firm.”

Shock and betrayal seep through my veins like poison, and as much as I want to run as far and as fast away from this place as I can, I can't get my feet to move.

“How could you?” My words are thick with emotion. “After everything that man put me through. Aftereverything. You turn around and work for him? Why Westin? Of all people. Of all the law firms. Why my father? The person you convinced me to stand against. Was that your plan all along? Push me out of the way so that you could step in and be the child he's always wanted?”

“Fuck, Scarlett. It's not like that. He promised me partner after five years. Partner! Some lawyers spend their lives trying to make partner and here I had someone ready to hand it to me. What was I supposed to say to that?” he asks, his voice wavering a bit at the end.

“NO!” I shout over the table. “You should have said no! You know how my father is, Westin. He doesn't give anything away without a price,” I say, suddenly forming a conclusion that leaves me feeling weak in the knees and a bit nauseous. “That's why you're here. That's the price. If he can't control me, he sent someone who can. So what's the deal, Westin? You bring me back home, slap a ring on my finger, and tie me down with a couple of children so that I have no option but to stay. To be their daughter again. To live my life under their rule.” My words seep like acid and while this may not be the truth, there is no convincing me otherwise.

“Do you not know me at all?” The hurt in his voice is apparent. “Do you really believe that I would ever do that to you? That I would force myself into your life and manipulate you in such a way?”

“You left me!” I try to control the shriek in my voice but it does me little good. “You left me. You couldn’t come back for me but you went back forhim. How would I know better, Westin? I clearly don't know you at all!”
