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“What's going on with the two of you, Scar?” She leans forward to rest her elbows on the desk, her short, brown bob falling into her face.

“Nothing,” I answer curtly, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“Don't nothing me. He's here. Why?” She leans back, mirroring my actions. “Come on, Scar, I'm probably the only person you can talk to about this that knows the whole story. Don't shut me out.”

Letting out a long exhale, I proceed to tell her about the night he showed up here. When I get to the part about him working for my father, I see that she's not surprised by the news, which makes me even more convinced that there has to be an ulterior motive and that maybe she thinks so too.

“What are you going to do?” she asks when I finally stop and give her a moment to process everything I said.

“Nothing. I’m going to do nothing. He can't come back into my life and deliver a blow like that and expect that I’m going to welcome him with open arms.”

“I get it. I do. But Scar, by the looks of that man when he came in here today, he's not going to give up that easily.”

“What do you mean?”

“I just hope you're ready, because honey, I have a feeling he’s not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Why? What did he say?” I demand, not understanding why she’s being so tight lipped all of a sudden.

“Just take some time to figure out what you really want. I don't want to see you get hurt, but at the same time, I don't want to see you deny yourself the happiness that you deserve either.”

“And you think he can give me that?” I snap, immediately regretting how harsh I sound.

Kari puts her hands up in the air.

“I don't know, Scar. But what I do know is it is not in your nature to fight against your heart. Make sure if you do, it's what you truly want.”

I don't know what to say to that. Even though Kari is not that much older than me, she’s wise beyond her years. I have to remind myself that she too, broke away from a controlling family and followed her own dreams.

Honestly, I see more of Kari in myself than my parents. Not just in my personality, but in my looks as well. From her slender short figure, to her brown hair that is the exact same shade as mine, to her dark green eyes, it's like staring back at myself in a mirror. People swear that we’re sisters, and while technically we aren't, I rarely correct someone when they make that assumption. But no matter how similar our appearance, it's our personalities that tie us. She knows me and she understands me, because in a lot of ways, she's just like me.

“You know I’m here for you if you need anything. I’ll be your ear. Your shoulder to cry on. Your drinking buddy. Whatever you need.”

“I’ll take all of the above.” I let out a humorless laugh. “So what should I do?”

“If it were me, I wouldn’t do anything. Let him come to you. Because he will. The rest you’ll have to figure out as you go.”

“Yeah, because it’s just that easy,” I grumble, pushing to my feet. “What time are we leaving?”

“I’m going to run home soon and freshen up. You want me to come back and get you, we can ride over together?”

“No,” I shake my head. “I’ll just meet you there.”

“You’re not just saying that so you can skip out on me to hide in your room are you?”

She knows me too well.

“No. I’ll meet you there,” I repeat, quickly exiting the office.


IKEEP MY ATTIRE CASUAL, deciding to wear dark denim jeans and a black top with three quarter length sleeves, partnered with my favorite boots that give me just a couple of inches in height but are the most comfortable things in the world.

Making my way through the festival, a few customers that frequentLayersstop me to tell me how beautiful the cake is on my way to find Kari. When I finally make it to the main tent, I see that she has placed a huge banner that runs below the table with our logo on it.

That girl is business savvy through and through. I would have never thought to do something like that, but then again, that's why she's the brains and I'm the talent. Or at least that's what we like to say.

When I see that Kari isn’t in the tent, I continue on, making my way down through the main strip of town. All the intersecting roads are closed down and lined with games, food trucks, and a live band is currently setting up at the far corner of the area where a large green space sits in front of the courthouse.
