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Rockland is a beautiful town, and while I love the people and the simplicity of it all, there is one thing that I love more than anything. The lighthouse right off of Rockland Harbor. It’s nearly a mile walk to get to it, but it's a trip I have made several times since moving here. It’s where I like to go to think.

“Scarlett!” I hear Jamie's voice through the crowd before I catch sight of her skipping through a group of elderly ladies, all of whom are wearing large hats, entering for their chance to win a speedboat of all things.

Her pale skin is flushed and her shoulder length brown hair is piled haphazardly on top of her head, but like always, she looks incredible. Jamie is one of those rare beauties. The ones that you absolutely hate because they don't have to fix their hair or wear make-up to look amazing.

Her petite figure is clad in jeans and a navy long sleeve shirt, and in true Jamie fashion, she has on her trusty flip flops, which she wears even in the dead of winter.

“Hey,” I say, when she finally reaches me standing off to the side of the green space.

“I didn't know if you would be here or not. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. How was California?” she asks.

“It was California.” I shrug, swiping my hand through the air. “Same old shit. Glad that I left. You get the point.” I let out a light laugh. “Who do they have playing tonight?” I gesture toward the stage, purposely changing the subject.

“Oh my gosh, I totally didn't get the chance to tell you. Hudson James is playing tonight!” She practically squeals. “He doesn’t normally do shows like this, it’s a bit below his pay grade, but I guess one of the event coordinators has the hook up and was able to convince him to play.”

“Wow. That's amazing.” I look back toward the stage and spot Joey, Jamie's boyfriend, right as he spots us. He throws up his hand in a half wave and both Jamie and I wave back.

Joey is the lead singer of the local band,Deviant, and probably one of the hottest guys ever to grace Rockland, Maine. With tattoos and muscles for days, not to mention a voice that will literally melt your panties off, Jamie has to always be on her toes.

Women are constantly throwing themselves at him, especially at his shows, which usually take place in the little dive bars around town. But it's clear to anyone who really pays attention, that Joey is one hundred percent dedicated to Jamie.

Just one look at the man and you can tell she's it for him. He looks at her in a way that most women only dream of being looked at.

“They're opening tonight,” Jamie tells me, pulling my attention back to her. “I think Joey was hoping to be the headliner, but it's great exposure just the same. Only problem is, I will have no one to dance with while they’re on stage.” She pouts out her lower lip.

“I'm sure there will be plenty of guys lining up to dance with you.” I let my eyes travel down her body and back up to her face to make my point.

“Stop it.” She swats at me playfully. “Besides, there’s only one man I want to dance with and he will be the one supplying the music for part of the evening. Looks like I’m playing the role of crazed groupie tonight.” She laughs.

“I don't know how you do it.” I look back toward the stage where a handful of girls are standing, checking out Joey and giggling amongst themselves.

“I think I'm used to it.” She laughs at the girls and then turns back to me. “You don't have a boyfriend that hot and not get used to him being hit on constantly.”

“I guess it helps that he is head over heels in love with you then, huh?”

“It absolutely does!” She gives me a wide grin.

Jamie has been my closest friend since I moved to Maine. We attended culinary school together and now she is the Head Chef forWellman's, one of the top rated restaurants in Rockland.

“Crap, there's my parents. I gotta go say hi. I'll catch up with you later?”

“Sounds good.” I throw her a half wave as she skips away, disappearing into the sea of people.

I find a vacant spot at a picnic table to the left of the stage and take a seat. I immediately get caught up in everything going on around me. I find that people watching is one of the most fascinating things to do.

I love seeing how they interact with one another. How the lovers cling to each other’s sides, while the people who have been married twenty years stay a good two feet away from one another. How mothers interact with their children, and how you can literally see their protectiveness over their little ones, never letting them stray too far and always having their eyes on them.

I wonder what kind of mom I would be. Would I be loving and kind? Caring and selfless? Would I support my child's right to be their own person? Or would I be like my parents?

I shake away the thought the moment it crosses my mind. There is no way that I would ever be like Jonathan and Allison Ryan. Not a chance in hell. I will never have a child just so that I can try to live vicariously through them or make them try to be something they aren't.

“Mind if I join you?” A voice I know all too well pulls me from my thoughts. I whip around to see Westin standing feet from me, his hands shoved into the pockets of his denim jeans.

Without a word, I stand from my spot and turn, prepared to walk away. But something in his voice keeps my feet from moving.

“Please don't leave.”

Slowly, I turn back to face him. He’s so handsome that it's almost painful to look at him. His black and red button down shirt is rolled to his elbows and his brown locks are covered by a black baseball cap that sits backward on his head. He is the epitome of sexy, and every inch of my body longs to touch him. If only it were that simple. I think we both know that it would not stop there.
