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“Because it’s amazing.” He gives me a flash of his pearly whites. “Come on, humor me.”

“I thought you said I could still hate you after I danced with you.”

“And you can still hate me after you eat with me too. And for the record, funnel cakes and French fries are a winning combination. You know sweet and salty is the thing these days.” He loops his arm through mine, securing me to his side when I don’t immediately try to pull away.

“That, they may be. But I highly doubt that anyone, other than you, would find French fries on top of a funnel cake appetizing.” I roll my eyes dramatically.

“Have you ever tried it?” He slows as we approach one of the trucks. I wait until he's done ordering his French fries before answering.

“Um, no.” I wrinkle my nose at the thought.

“Don't knock it until you try it.” He hands the cashier money before retrieving his large cup of greasy fries from the pick-up window.

“Well that’s not going to happen.”

“Oh come on, for me?”

“I wouldn’t eat that for you ten years ago, so what makes you think I would eat it now?” My words come out a little harsh but really, what does he expect?

“Oh, you’re trying it all right.” He either doesn’t register my tone or simply doesn’t care. “Come on.” He leads me two trucks down to where the funnel cakes are being sold. “You want anything?” he asks as he places his order.

“I’m good.”

Once he’s paid and has his funnel cake in hand, he leads me back to the picnic table where I was sitting earlier. I can only laugh when he plops down, sets the plate with the funnel cake on it in his lap, and then dumps the cup of fries on top.

“You're ridiculous, you realize this, right?” I take a seat next to him on top of the table, facing out toward the crowd around the stage that’s getting larger by the minute.

No doubt, news of Hudson James’ performance has travelled to every town in a hundred mile radius, which I guess explains why there seems to be so many more people here this year than in previous years.

“When you’re lucky enough in life to find something that you really love, you tend to stick with it.” He tears off a piece of funnel cake, presses down a couple of fries on top, and pops the bite into his mouth.

“Do you do anything like a normal person?” I crinkle my nose in disgust.

“Now where's the fun in that?” He laughs. “Here.” He tears off another piece of the cake and extends it to me with a French fry on top.

“No thank you.” I shake my head.

“Oh come on.” He laughs. “Just one bite. If you hate it, you can say I told you so.”

“And if I love it...” I trail off, a mischievous smile creeping across my face.

He laughs again, and for the first time since he has re-entered my life, I realize just how much I missed the sound of his laughter.


Taking the food from his hand, I shove it into my mouth in one bite. I wish I could say that it's horrible, but the truth is, it's actually quite good. The sweetness and saltiness blend together perfectly, and as he watches me chew and finally swallow, he already knows he's won before I even say a word.

“Told ya.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

After Westin and I finish off his fries and funnel cake concoction, we spend the remainder of the evening walking around together. I tell him about my time in Maine and how owningLayerscame to fruition. We stop and play some of the silly games that are set up before we eventually make our way back to the green space where the stage is.

“You seem good.” He drops down onto the lawn, stretching his long legs out in front of him.

“I am good.” I take a seat next to him, pulling my knees into my chest.

“Can I ask you something?”

I don’t get a chance to respond before I hear my name being called. I look up to see Carson closing in on us.
