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“Carson. Hey.” I jump to my feet and give him a quick hug. “I didn't know you were coming tonight.”

“I wasn't planning on it, but I was out so I figured I would swing by. Good turn out this year,” he says, his accent sounding a bit thicker than usual.

“Yeah, not bad. Though it probably has a lot to do with Hudson James being here.”

“Who’s Hudson James?” His forehead crinkles.

“Really?” I laugh, trying to seem as casual as possible. “He’s only like one of the biggest country stars around right now.”

“Never heard of him.” He shrugs.

“Well you should definitely stick around then. He’s pretty incredible.”

I watch Carson’s gaze clip to Westin as he pushes to his feet and slides in next to me.

“And who is this?” Carson’s expression is a mixture of confusion, and if I’m not mistaken, anger.

I wasn’t expecting that.

“Oh sorry. Carson, this is Westin. Westin, Carson.” I gesture between the two, cringing slightly when they shake hands, no doubt mentally sizing up each other.

While Westin has Carson beat in the looks department, Carson can certainly hold his own, especially when you throw in the accent. I shake my head, mentally cursing at myself for even comparing them.

“You're not from around here,” Carson observes, his full attention on Westin.

“California. Just here for the weekend visiting.” His demeanor is cool and collected, like Carson's presence doesn't affect him in the least.

“Westin is a friend of mine from home,” I interject, immediately regretting my decision to speak at all.

It's not like I’m dating either one of them. I don't know why I feel like I need to justify being here with Westin. And if we’re being technical, I’m not actuallyherewith Westin. He just showed up and hasn’t left.

“Cool.” Carson rocks back on his heels, sliding his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “Well, I should get back to Dash before he gets himself into trouble.” He nods his head in the direction of his very flirtatious best friend.

His current interest seems to have a boyfriend that is not very appreciative of Dash's advances, and if I know Dash, some kind of altercation will soon follow.

“Yeah, looks like he's up to no good.” I laugh, watching him flirt relentlessly with a red haired girl that doesn't look a day over nineteen.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you around.” He shifts, turning his attention back to Westin. “It was nice to meet you.”

“Yeah, you too, man,” Westin replies, not turning back to me until Carson is well out of earshot.

“Who was that?”

“Pretty sure I introduced him,” I say sarcastically, not feeling up to dealing with some type of unjustified jealousy. Though I must admit, the thought of him being jealous when it comes to me does make my inner cheerleader do a few thousand cartwheels.

“Right. But what is he to you?”

“A friend,” I say as casually as possible.

“And have you slept with said friend?” He steps in front of me, arms crossed in front of his broad chest.

“Do you really want me to answer that?”

“Yes. Fuck. No.” He peels off his hat and slides his hands through his hair before putting it back on his head. “Is he the phone sex guy?”

“Phone sex guy?” I arch a brow.

“The one you were talking to outside at the wedding.”
