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Deciding it's rude to keep him waiting any longer, and clearly Kari is not going to let me blow him off, I make my way to the sink and quickly wash my hands and forearms, trying my best to get all the caked on food off of my skin.

Grabbing a paper towel, I dry my hands and take a deep breath before walking out into the bakery. I spot Carson immediately, standing against the wall next to the front counter, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans, per usual. A smile lights up his face the moment he sees me approach.

“Sorry to pop in like this but you haven't been answering my calls,” he says, almost apologetic. Like he has any reason to be sorry.

“Sorry. I've been super busy,” I lie, not sure what else to say.

“No problem.” He grins, causing me to smile back. His happiness is so contagious that even in my sour mood he still manages to bring a smile to my face. “Anyway, I wanted to see if you would like to have dinner with me on Friday?”

“I don't know.” I stall, racking my brain for a polite way to decline. “I really probably shouldn't. I have so much going on here.” Another lie.

“I got you covered,” Kari pipes in from behind the counter, causing me to whip around and throw a vicious look her way.

“Say seven?” he asks, his smile still firmly in tact when I turn my attention back to him.

“Seven. Sure,” I cave, not able to come up with another excuse without just flat out telling him the truth, which I feel isn't fair to him.

“Perfect. I'll meet you here.” He leans in, giving me a soft kiss on the cheek before turning and exiting the bakery.

I wait until he’s disappeared onto the sidewalk before turning around and storming past Kari. Knowing she crossed the line, she simply smiles and keeps her attention on the customer in front of her.

As much as I love Kari, sometimes I could smack her. While she is wonderful and motherly in all the ways my mother is not, she also has a bit of Allison Ryan in her. Specifically when it comes to interfering when she shouldn't. I guess the real difference is Kari does it trying to help. Whereas my mother does it for her own selfish gain.


“YOU LOOK BEAUTIFULtonight,” Carson says, peering over his menu at me. As much as I appreciate the compliment, beautiful is not something I feel.

Even dressed in my favorite black cocktail dress with my hair and makeup to near perfection, I still feel disgusting. Like somehow what I feel on the inside is being portrayed on the outside as well.

Having Westin call me relentlessly for almost a week has really taken a toll on me. And then the flowers that showed up at the bakery just as I was getting ready to leave certainly did not help matters. Instead of giving me time to process everything that has happened and decide how to get my life back, all he's doing is making things so much more difficult for me.

Every time I see his name pop up on my phone, it takes everything I have not to answer it to hear his voice. Even though I know it's the last thing I need, it doesn't make me want it any less.

I give Carson a small smile and turn my attention back to the menu, trying my best to not take my crap mood out on him.

He's a sweet guy and one that I have had some really great times with. He doesn't deserve to be punished because a certain man decided to walk back into my life and turn my world on its axis.

“You look very nice as well,” I say after a good minute has passed. He glances up from his menu to give me a full on smile.

“What, this old thing?” he croons in his sexy accent, gesturing to his black suit. “Just something I had lying around.” He lays the menu down. “Okay, that's a lie. I actually bought it just for tonight.” He laughs, a slight pink flushing his cheeks, giving him the cutest little glow.

“I think I can forgive you.” I let out a light laugh. “But either way, you look very handsome. Have you decided what you want?” I ask, placing my menu down in front of me as well.

Before he has a chance to answer, Jamie approaches our table. Decked out in her chef attire, she gives me a brief hug, putting on her perfect smile before going over her specials for the night. Normally the chef only comes out if requested, but atWellmans, I always get special treatment. Guess there are perks to having a friend in the industry. Of course, I always repay the favor whenever she comes toLayers.

“The usual for me,” I say, knowing she already knows what I want. Steak. Always steak. And again another perk, she knows exactly how I like it and always makes it to perfection.

“You got it.” She throws me a wink before turning her attention to Carson.

After he places his order and Jamie leaves our table, a sudden awkwardness settles over us and I reach for my wine, not sure what else to do.

“So,” Carson finally speaks, his voice teetering on nervous. “There's a reason I asked you here tonight,” he says, continuing when I don't say anything. “First, I have to ask. The guy you were with at the festival, are you two together?” His expression is almost apologetic, his forehead scrunching as he speaks.

I nearly choke on my mouthful of wine but manage to get it down before adamantly shaking my head no.

“We used to be.” I attempt to keep the emotion from my voice. “But no. We’re not together,” I say, draining the contents of my glass and immediately signaling the waiter for more.

“Okay. I know it's none of my business but I had to ask. The truth is, I really like you, Scarlett. More than I have any woman in a very long time. I know going in that we said we’d keep things casual, and that worked for a bit. But after a while I started wanting more time with you and honestly, it was really hard for me to keep it as casual as we did.”
