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We have yet to really approach the subject of my father. I think we both know that if we ever want to truly be together, Jonathan Ryan cannot be part of the equation. But at the same time, I can't expect Westin to walk away from everything he's worked for.

While yes, my father may have promised him the moon, with strings attached of course, that doesn't mean that Westin hasn't worked his ass off to prove himself worthy. I know my father, and he would accept nothing less.

Because of this, I’m trying to remain patient. Because while my father may hold a power over Westin's career for now, that won't always be the case. It still remains to be seen when or how he will break out from under my father’s thumb, but I have to believe that he will... Someday.

“Knock. Knock.” Jamie's voice pulls me from my haze, and I look up from the cupcakes I’m currently decorating to see her standing in the doorway.

“Hey.” I smile widely at her, surprised to see her in the middle of the day like this. Normally through the week, she’s at work from two o'clock on. She typically goes in later on the weekends as the kitchen atWellmansstays open much later to accommodate the weekend business.

“What are you doing?” she asks, skipping over to stand next to me at the island.

“Stacie Denver’s son is turning eight,” I say, swirling the last cupcake with bright red frosting. “Fire truck theme.” I laugh when Jamie dips her finger into the leftover icing, her eyes widening as soon as the sugary concoction hits her tongue.

“How can I score an invite? That is the best icing I've ever tasted.” She goes in for another scoop.

I laugh and shake my head at her, before pulling the dish away and carrying it to the sink. “Don't you have to work today?” I ask, my back to her as I rinse out the bowl.

“Nope. I took the day off.” She sings behind me. “I have some celebrating to do.”

For a moment I have a mini panic attack thinking maybe I forgot her birthday or something, quickly remembering that her birthday is in June, not October.

“What's the occasion?” I ask, wiping my hands on a towel before turning back to see her beaming so widely at me, I'm afraid her face might split in half.

“Joey proposed!” she squeals, practically jumping up and down in place. “Look, look.” She holds out her left hand. Sure enough, perched on top of her perfect little finger is the most beautiful oval shaped diamond ring.

On instinct, my hand goes to my mouth. I don't know if I’m more shocked that Joey finally manned up and asked her, or that she actually said yes. I mean, they have been together for so long and neither one of them seemed to be in any rush to slap a piece of paper down on their relationship.

Not that that's all a marriage is, a piece of paper. But in a way, it kind of is at the same time. Even as the thought crosses my mind, I know it isn't true. There is something more to tying yourself to the other person. Not just in the eyes of God or legally. It's more like a statement. It's a way of telling the world that this is the person I choose.

“I'm speechless,” I finally manage to get out, as if that weren’t already obvious. “Congratulations. Oh my god.” I wrap her in a tight hug. She bounces up and down in my arms until I release her.

“I know, right. I didn't expect this at all. It's incredible,” she says, pulling her hand back to admire her ring. “And he wants to get married in the spring. Can you believe it? A spring wedding in Maine. It's going to be amazing.” She sighs, completely losing herself inside of her head.

“How did he do it?” I ask, curious to how a man like Joey proposes to a woman. Especially a woman like Jamie.

“Oh, Scar. It was so romantic, yet so very simple. We were hanging out at his place and he asked me to stay the night. I said yes, of course. We practically live together anyway. So, a little while later when we decide we're ready for bed, Joey tells me to go ahead and he will be in shortly. So I walk in, strip down into practically nothing, and then I see it. A box sitting on the pillow, a pale pink bow on top. I didn't think it was a ring at first. I don't know why, but that was the last place my mind went. So needless to say, when I opened the box, I wasn't sure what to think. Then I looked over and he was standing in the doorway. All sexy and shirtless, not that that's out of the ordinary. It was like I blinked and he was standing in front of me. He took the box from my hand, pulled the ring from it, and dropped to one knee. I was so shocked I think I missed half of what he said. And I'm pretty sure I screamed yes before he was finished.” She lets out a giddy laugh.

“Wow. Joey... Who knew?” I snort, somewhat impressed by the simple beauty of his proposal. He didn't feel the need to dress it up or put it on display, which says a lot about their relationship. He knew he didn't have to win her, he simply had to ask.

“So we celebrated, in the bedroom.” She giggles. “But because he has to work all weekend, there's no way for us to go out to celebrate, so I’m taking the party to him.” She smiles sweetly at me, her way of saying she wants something.

“What?” I question on a light laugh.

“Deviantis playing atPaul’stonight. I was hoping maybe you could go with me?” She pouts out her lower lip. “Drinks are on me.”

“Jamie Nicole, you do not need to bribe me to go out and celebrate. Of course I'll go. You're getting married.” I’m still not able to believe it. “It's not every day that your best friend gets engaged.”

“Oh and you'll be my maid of honor, right? Please say you will. I can't imagine walking down the aisle and you not being a part of it.”

“I would be honored,” I manage to get out, before I’m swept into her arms and squeezed so tightly I wonder how I’m managing to breathe.

“I love you,” she says, releasing me. “I'll meet you back here. Eight o'clock. Be ready.” She smiles and quickly whips around, practically dancing out of the kitchen.


BY TEN O'CLOCK, JAMIEis already to the point of stumbling, but that doesn't stop her from dancing to every single song her new fiancée sings. He smiles and watches her move across the floor, shaking his head when she practically falls on her ass.

It's clear how much he adores the girl. It's written all over his face. And while I’m so very happy for both of them, I would be lying if I said that the ugly green monster had not tapped on my shoulder a few times throughout the night.
