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“No. She's working. One of the bus boys delivered it about ten minutes ago. Speaking of which, we should probably eat before it gets cold,” he says, walking me to the table and pulling my chair out for me.

“Thank you.” I slide down into my seat, not really sure how to act aroundthisWestin. Sure, he's always had a sweet side, but I've never known him to do anything like this. Just another thing that has changed over the last ten years.

“You're welcome.” He takes a seat in the chair across from me.

Westin spends the next half an hour telling me more about Germany as we tear our way through the amazing pasta and chicken that Jamie made for us. I find myself relaxing more and more as the conversation goes on, finally feeling a sense of comfort returning in his presence.

By the time we finish, I swear there's no way I could eat another bite, but figuring it's probably rude not to offer dessert considering where we are, I go ahead and ask if he would like anything.

“Actually,” he says, standing and retrieving a small white box from one of the tables pushed up against the wall. “I brought this for you.” He smiles, sitting it on the table and reclaiming his seat, before peeling the box lid open. “It used to be your favorite.”

The moment I realize what he's done, I can't contain the smile that is splitting my face in two. “Shari's Truffles?” I question, my mouth falling open in disbelief. “I can't... I can't believe you remembered.” I look up from the box of delicious looking chocolates to meet Westin's eyes.

“Are you kidding me? You used to go there every other day and get these. You used to say they gave you calm in a world of chaos.” He laughs.

I stare back at him, not sure if I want to jump across this table and kiss him or sit here and cry. He remembered...

“You could be having the worst day and the second you popped one of these in your mouth...”

“Everything felt okay again. I didn't even know she was still in business. How old is she now? Sixties? Seventies?” I ask, pulling out one of the truffles.

“Seventy-three.” He laughs, watching my face morph to complete ecstasy as I take a small bite of the truffle in my hand.

“And she hasn't lost her touch.” I take another bite, allowing the sweet dessert to practically melt on my tongue. “You have to eat one,” I say, urging him to take one out of the box.

He smiles mischievously and then leans across the table, his mouth closing down on the last bite of the truffle in my hand. “Hey,” I cry out in protest, looking to my now empty hand and then back to Westin, who is smiling and nodding as he chews.

“You're right. She certainly has not lost her touch.” He licks his lips dramatically.

“Fail.” I laugh, going in for another truffle.

We manage to eat the entire dozen he brought as we laugh and reminisce on some of our fondest memories. It isn't until he mentions our last day together that I feel my body tense. As much as I wantrealanswers, I no longer wish to dwell in the past.

That's a conclusion I reached one lonely night while Westin was in Germany. We have a second chance. No matter what happened in the past, we are here now. I refuse to let things that I can't change ruin the things I can.

“Scar, I...” He starts as soon as he senses the shift in the air. I hold my hand up to silence him.

“Please don't,” I say, reaching across the table to take his hand. “I don't want to talk about what happened back then or what might have been. I just want to enjoy being here with you now, like this.”

Wrapping his hand around mine, he gently tugs me toward him. “Come here.”

Rising to my feet, I take two steps toward him before he rises to his as well, leading my body into his arms. I snuggle into his chest, loving the feeling of being engulfed by the heat that swirls around us.

“I missed you so much,” I mumble into his chest before pulling my face back to look up at him. His lips turn up in a small smile as his face lowers.

The moment his mouth touches mine, I’m lost to everything but this. His smell. The way his hands feel as they skirt up my back. The way his breathing changes as he deepens the kiss. And the way my body seems to immediately pick up on the shift in our embrace.

“Scarlett.” He’s so close his breath whispers against my lips. His words, the desperation in his voice, is all it takes to push me over the edge.

I break away from his mouth and whip around, grabbing his hand before pulling him through the bakery and into the kitchen. Knowing Kari probably left through the back, I do a quick peek into the office to verify she's gone, before pushing Westin against the counter, my hands immediately opening his belt before working on the button and zipper of his jeans.

I want him so badly, I can't think of anything but feeling him inside of me. The pleasure that takes over my body when we become one. I have waited weeks to feel that way again and I can't wait any longer.

Westin bends his head forward, allowing me to pull his shirt over his head before his mouth finds my lips once more. My hands skirt across his sculpted chest and down his perfect stomach, my fingers tracing each defined muscle as I go.

When my hand settles over his erection through his boxers, his breath hitches against my mouth. “Scarlett,” he pleads, grinding into my hand.

Dropping to my knees without warning, I grab each side of his boxer briefs and tug, the material sliding down his muscular thighs with no resistance. His erection springs free and the urge to taste him becomes so overwhelming that I lick my lips in anticipation.
