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Gripping his hips, I slowly slide him inside of my mouth, loving the way broken moans and jumbled words spill from his throat as I take him in inch by painfully slow inch, until it’s not physically possible for me to take him any deeper.

He tastes so good on my lips and I drag my tongue along the underside of his erection as I pull him back out of my mouth, sure to taste every bit before plunging back down on him again.

It doesn't take long before I establish a good rhythm. Wrapping my hand at his base, I move in time with my mouth until his legs are shaking so violently I wonder how he is still managing to support his weight.

“Scarlett.” He groans as he spills his release into my mouth. I swallow and continue to lap my tongue up and down his length, tasting and touching every part of him that I possibly can.

Stilling my movements by placing his hands on my shoulders, it takes only seconds before I’m in his arms and he is carrying me to my apartment, his long legs taking two stairs at a time.

It isn't until he is hovering over me in my bed, that the magnitude of my feelings for him really start to set in. I've known it for years. I've known I still loved him from the moment I ran into him at the wedding, hell even before that.

But now... Well, now I’m realizing that I’m no longer in love with Westin from ten years ago. I’m in love with this Westin.

The one who moves inside of me so skillfully. I swear our bodies were created to come together this way. Him for me, me for him. The perfect fit to a puzzle that never seems to have the right pieces.

I love him for the man he is today, not the boy he was then. And while the two are tied together, there is something so overwhelming, yet undeniably beautiful about the love I feel for him now.

The love that I know, without a doubt, is the type of love people spend their whole lives trying to capture but rarely ever find. I found him, or rather, I found him again. Either way, this time, I’m determined not to let him go.


“ARE WE ON SOME TYPEof time restriction?” Westin calls from behind me, as I continue the nearly mile long walk toward the lighthouse, not realizing how far ahead of him I have pulled.

“Seriously,” I say, spinning on my heel to face him, my steps coming to a halt. “For a man as physically fit as you are.” I laugh when he cocks his head to the side and his mouth pulls up in a goofy half grin. “Well, you would think you would be able to keep up.” I twist back around and start to walk again when he finally steps up next to me.

“Maybe I was enjoying the view back there.” He laughs as he leans back to, very obviously, check out my backside.

“Shut up.” I reach out and smack his arm, the bite from the cold making my hand sting slightly.

“So what's the story with this place?” he asks, reaching down and entwining his fingers with mine.

I try not to let the heat from his hand distract me from my point, but it's nearly impossible. Just the feeling of his skin against mine has every inch of my body crawling to feel him pressed firmly against me.

“No story.” I sigh, looking at the water that surrounds us on all sides. “Just beauty.” I take a deep inhale, loving the feeling of the moisture in the air from the water.

The lighthouse sits nearly a mile off shore, a long stone path the only means to get to it. The path is just wide enough for a vehicle, but not much more than that. I love it because it reminds me of the old stone roads you see in some historic cities.

“I like to come out here to think sometimes,” I explain a little further, as the house starts coming clearer into view. “Cliché, I know.” I flick my eyes in his direction, only to turn them forward the moment I realize his eyes are on me.

“What's cliché about it?” he asks, his voice not the least bit sarcastic, like he really doesn't understand my statement.

“Seriously?” I laugh lightly. “It's like watching the sunset over the ocean. While it's the most breathtaking thing you will ever see, it's also not very original.”

“And does not being original bother you?”

“I don't know. Yes. No. I guess it really doesn't matter. I just never wanted to be in the norm, I guess. I don't want to fit into any specific category or be of a certain mold. I want to be me. Someone that no one else can be.” I shrug.

“But you are that.” His steps come to a halt. He tightens his grip on my hand and pulls me back toward him, my ability to continue walking eliminated.

I turn to face him and find that once I do, my lungs feel like they can't get enough air. He's looking at me with so much intensity, so much love. I find it hard to process the amount of emotion he is wearing on full display for me right now.

“Don't ever feel like because you share a general interest that other people also share, that it makes you any less unique. I have traveled the world and met some amazing people along the way and I’m here to tell you, Scarlett Ryan, there isn't another you anywhere to be found.” He pulls me into his arms.

I snuggle into his embrace, loving the feeling of his arms around me, but also the sudden relief from the cold I was feeling moments ago. The temperatures are at a season low and while I’m wearing jeans and a hooded sweatshirt, they have done little to protect me from the cold wind blowing off the water.

His words swirl around me and dance through my mind. There isn't another me? He says it like he's actually tried to replace me. Could it be? Could he have been searching for a way to fill the gap I left in his life just as I have been doing the same to fill the one he left in mine?

But if that's the case, then why leave me to begin with?
