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“I can't do this anymore, Jonathan. It's not fair to her.”

“Since when do you care what’s fair to her?” Jonathan bites back, his voice just as vile as I remember. “Unless.” He pauses. “You fool.” He lets out a bitter laugh. “Don't tell me she's gotten to you?”

“What happens when I get her here? What happens when she realizes this was all a ploy to get her home? What then?” I can feel the knot rise in my throat and I put my hand over my mouth to stifle the sob working its way out.

I can't process what I'm hearing. My mind can't break the information down quickly enough and as each word comes, the more confusion blinds me and I fight to make sense of what I’m hearing.

“What nothing. She won't find out. You’re going to ensure she never finds out. Slap a ring on her finger, give her a couple little brats to occupy her time. I don't care how you do it. Just do it.”

“Why? Why is this so important to you?” Westin asks, his voice a bit lower this time.

“What do you mean?” Jonathan's voice echoes out of the open doorway. “She's my daughter. My flesh and blood. She belongs here. With me, with her mother.”

“Even if that's not what she wants?” Westin asks.

“I don't care what she wants!” Jonathan's voice cuts through me so crisp and clear that without really thinking, I start to move.

I don't know what I’m doing or why, but as I grab the handle of my father's office door, I feel like someone else has taken over my body. It isn't until I swing the door open and both men turn to see me that everything becomes crystal clear.

I don't think I have ever seen Jonathan Ryan shocked. But right now, I can't think of any better way to describe it. The moment he sees me, the color drains from his face.

“Scarlett.” Jonathan breathes, moving out from behind his large desk to step toward me.

Turning to Westin, he looks like he's seeing a ghost. Like he can't believe I’m actually here. He opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off before he can even start to explain.

“I need a moment alone with my father,” I say, my voice so low I swear it comes out as a growl.

“Scarlett.” His words get lost in mine.

“Get the fuck out!” I scream directly at Westin, watching the hurt and anger contort his beautiful features in a way that literally takes the wind right out of me.

Even after everything, after this, the idea that I’m hurting him is blinding. Swallowing down the love I feel and remembering what I just learned, I shut that emotion off.

“NOW!” My voice bounces off the office walls around us as my father stands completely still, watching the scene unfold.

Westin opens his mouth like he is going to speak but closes it again. I can tell the moment he admits defeat. I can see it in his expression. In the way his shoulders sag slightly forward and his eyes will no longer meet mine.

The office is silent and each one of Westin's steps radiates through my ears until the door finally latches closed behind him. Turning my gaze on my father, it takes everything I have not to lunge at him, fists drawn, and start swinging. I have never wanted to physically hurt someone in my life, but right now, I think I would do it and would enjoy it.

“Don't,” I say, as he opens his mouth to speak. “I have done nothing but listen to your lies and your bullshit my entire life. I don't want to hear a word of it now.” My voice shakes, anger pulling tears to my eyes. “Did you really think you could lure me back home by using Westin? Did you really think I would ever come back here?” I ask, my arms instinctively crossing in front of my chest.

“Looks to me like it worked.” His smirk is so infuriating that I have to bite down on my bottom lip to keep from completely losing my composure. “You're here, aren't you? You're home. Where you belong.” He moves.

It isn't until he steps out from behind his desk completely that I realize how much time has changed him. He's still broad and commanding with coal black hair and piercing green eyes, but it's what's behind those eyes that gives him away. There's a defeat there. A hollowness that I have not seen before. It's clear to see that this lifestyle is starting to really take its toll.

“I’m not home. This is NOT my home,” I yell across the office at him, halting his movement toward me. “How could you do this? How could you use Westin against me like this?”

“I would do a lot more if it meant bringing you home.” There’s not an ounce of apology in his voice.

“You don't get it, do you? I love him. I have loved him for half of my life. What kind of father does that to his only daughter? You used the only person I have ever truly loved to manipulate me the way you have manipulated me my entire life.”

“Don't be so dramatic, Scarlett. That boy never cared for you. He is not the victim here. He did this to you. He hurt you, yet again.” He points toward the door that Westin exited through moments ago.

“At your hand!” I scream at him in disbelief. “So tell me,Jonathan.” I accent his name to make a point. “What was the master plan? Make sure Westin came to the wedding you knew I was attending and then what? Have him wine and dine me all the way back to California? Do you really not know me at all?”

“You're here!” His voice is shrill and I can tell his temper is moments from rearing its ugly head, but I don't care. This is one time in my life that I will not back down from this man.

“I came here for him. Not for you. Not for Mom. For him! Don't you get it? I never would have come back here. Ever. No matter what you have done or what you plan to do in the future, I will never come back to this hell.” I take a deep breath, pulling my courage from somewhere deep down inside of me.
