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“For him?” He makes a chuckling noise from deep in his throat. “Him? The man who used you and left you all those years ago only to come back and do it again. How many times, Scarlett? How many times will he choose money and success over you? Maybe you could make an excuse for him when he was younger. Who could blame the poor boy. So desperate to go to college, to make something of himself, but without any means of making that happen.” He shakes his head back and forth in a mocking sadness.

“What did you do?” The words are thick and feel like they stick on my tongue, but I manage to get them out.

“What didIdo?” Sarcasm rings from his voice as he pushes against the backside of his desk and crosses his arms. “I think the question is, what didhedo?”

“Stop playing games and tell me!”

“I thought the answer was clear. He needed the money for school. I simply gave him what he needed.”

“But at what price?” I ask, trying to keep the quiver from my words.

“Only one. He had to leave, immediately.” The smirk on his face isn’t fading.

“Why?” I choke out, barely able to believe my ears.

Deep down I think I always knew my father was behind Westin leaving, but it was never confirmed until now.

“Why?” He lets out a humorless laugh, his temper once again flaring. “Why? I don't know, Scarlett. Maybe because your mother and I wanted a future for you. A future that didn't involve getting pregnant while you were still in school and living a meaningless life, effectively throwing away so much potential.”

“You paid him to leave?” Even I don't believe it. There's no way anyone would stoop that low. It's not possible.

And yet, as I stare into the eyes of my father, I know it's true, and I know that if anyone in the world is capable of such selfish measures, Jonathan Ryan is that man.

“I did what was necessary to ensure you had a real future.”

“It wasn't your future to determine. You had no right to take that choice from me!” I scream.

“I had every right. I’m your father.” He slaps his hand down on the desk.

“Right. My father.” I snort, my hatred for him boiling up in my chest. “A father who takes away his daughter’s first love only to throw him back in her face years later. Is there no limit to the number of ways you can hurt me? Is there no limit to what you will do to get whatyouwant?”

“I didn't get where I am today by worrying about other people.” He bites at me.

“That's obvious. Look around you. Everyonehatesyou. Hell, your own daughter moved across the country to get away from you. You may have riches and power, but when you die, you'll die alone. No one will come to your funeral. No one will care that you're gone.” I keep going, afraid that if I stop I won't ever get the words out. “Westin may have fallen for your bribery and games, and I guess in a way I owe you a thank you for showing me the kind of man he really is. But I’m not like him. I’m not like you. And I will not be manipulated and forced into a life that I don't want. I don't care why you did what you did. I don't care what you try to do in the future. I will never come back here. And I will never forgive you.”

“Don't be ridiculous. I’m your...”

“Don't say it,” I warn, pointing my finger directly at him. “Don't you dare say you are my father. You may have brought me into this world, but from the moment I was born you have been anything but a father to me. Let me be very clear.” I take a step toward him. “If you ever interfere with my life again, I will ruin you.”

“Are you threatening me?” His words ring with disbelief.

“I'm promising you.” I meet his gaze without blinking. “You think I don't know about all the illegal transactions you have done over the years? The falsified information that got you just a little further in your career each time. You think I'm stupid?” I tsk at him. “You forget. I am a Ryan after all.” I take another step closer.

“You're bluffing.”

“Are you willing to risk everything to prove it?” I dare him to challenge me further.

Truth is, I have nothing on him. But that doesn't mean I didn't overhear enough conversations that he had behind closed doors or the secretive phone calls that always used to pull him away from the dinner table. I know there are things that have gone on here and so does he, which makes my threat seem legit, even if I have no way to prove a thing.

“I will say this only once. You. Are. Not. My. Father.” Each word drips like acid as it leaves my mouth. “I never want to see you again.” I barely register the shocked expression across his stern face as I whip around and storm out of his office.

Grabbing the door, I slam it shut so hard that I can see the walls shake the moment I step into the hallway.

So many emotions bubble inside of me. Fear, anger, regret, sadness, elation, freedom. It's all there. Seething through my core. Bursting from my pores. But as I turn, I am faced with the only person that has the power to truly hurt me, and the only emotion I feel is betrayal.

“Scarlett. Please. I can explain,” he says, the moment our eyes meet.

Turning, I whip past him, not willing to hear any more from either of the men that were in on this little charade.
