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Green shoots were pushing their way through the rich soil. The land was producing another harvest, as it had done on Meadowsweet Farm for generations. But it would all soon come to an end. And, although it wasn’t Liam’s fault – the Eppings had the final say – he felt a failure.

He knew how he’d be remembered in Heaven’s Cove, long after he’d been forced to move on in search of work.Started off a right cocky Jack the Lad but turns out he couldn’t keep a fiancée and couldn’t keep a farm.

Telling his parents was going to be awful. They were still blissfully unaware of the changes ahead and he didn’t have the heart to unsettle them. But he couldn’t keep the news to himself forever.

Liam would usually turn to Billy for comfort, tickle behind his ears and soak up his uncomplicated adoration. But even his dog had given up on him today. Billy couldn’t be roused from his bed – he’d rather sleep the afternoon away than spend another minute with such a misery.

Get a grip,Liam told himself, looking out over the fields that would soon be lost.No one’s died and Mum, Dad and I can move on and do something else if need be.Quite what, he wasn’t sure. Katrina had marketing skills, Alex was a whizz on computers and Rosie could sell property on the Costa del Sol. His skills were limited to coaxing new life from the earth but maybe he could find work on another farm somewhere, or in a garden. He’d make a living somehow for himself and his parents. His material needs would be met, but when it came to his heart…

Liam rubbed a hand across his face, wondering where Rosie was now. Probably a thousand miles away, making up with that chancer Matt, who must love the fact that her new-found father happened to be one of the richest men in Devon.

He closed his eyes and remembered the Rosie he knew at school, serious and studious with long plaits and a watchful gaze. Then he pictured her now – gentle, sun-kissed, full of life, and sporting an expression he often couldn’t read. Did she want to kiss him or punch him?

Punch him, he guessed, after he’d accused her of sacrificing his farm for Driftwood House. She’d never have done that. He’d realised as much once his flash of temper had faded, because Rosie wasn’t devious – not like he used to be. His farm was simply collateral damage.

But he was still upset she hadn’t confided in him that Charles Epping might be her father. How could she keep that a secret after he’d tried to help her find her dad? She clearly didn’t trust him.

Liam sat down on the old wall that marked the eastern boundary of Meadowsweet Farm and drummed his heels against the stone. Tomorrow he would have to pick himself up and start all over again.

Someone was walking around the edge of the field towards him. Liam shielded his eyes from the glare of the late afternoon sun and hoped against hope it wasn’t his dad. He loved his father, and the anecdotes he told about the old days were interesting, the first time you heard them. Even the fifth or sixth time. But his dad repeated himself endlessly these days and Liam just wasn’t in the mood.

He squinted as the figure got closer. The person was slight, and wearing a dress which meant it wasn’t his dad unless he was even more confused than Liam thought.

Please don’t let it be Katrina, here to have a go at me for giving her the brush-off,thought Liam.He’d managed to avoid her for the last few days but it was only a matter of time before she caught up with him.

The woman was getting closer, and blood started pounding in his ears as he recognised Rosie, in a simple green sundress with her hair in a ponytail. He stood up, though he had no idea why, and sat straight back down again.

‘Hey, Liam. Are you busy?’ asked Rosie, standing in front of him with her hands on her hips.

‘Not really, no.’

‘What are you doing?’

‘Honestly? I’m having a bit of a pity party.’

He could see her cheekbones when she smiled. ‘Can anyone join in?’

‘Feel free.’

He gestured at the wall next to him and tiny chips of stone cascaded onto the soil when she sat down.

‘Don’t you have Billy with you?’

‘He didn’t fancy coming because he’s fed up with me moping about.’

‘Are your mum and dad OK?’

‘They’re fine, thanks.’

‘We’re lucky with the weather. It’s much nicer here on the coast than inland.’

‘Yeah, that’s often the way.’ That was enough small talk. ‘I thought you’d left Heaven’s Cove for good and gone to Spain,’ he said, gazing straight ahead and being careful not to move in case his arm brushed against hers.

‘I thought about it but decided to go and see Charles Epping instead.’

‘Is he really your father?’
