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‘Yeah, I’m afraid so.’

‘How long have you known?’

‘Not long. When he and Cecilia inspected Driftwood House, she called him Jay. His middle name is James and people in the family call him Jay. It’s like a nickname, I suppose.’

‘Did you confront him about it?’

‘Not then, but I did later.’

‘And did he admit that he’s your father?’

‘He did, in the end.’

Liam took a breath. This sounded too much like an interrogation.

‘That must have been hard to hear. Why didn’t you say anything to your friends?’

‘Would you, if you found out that the most disliked man in Heaven’s Cove was your father?’

‘Probably not. But you could have told me.’

Rosie bit her bottom lip, like a child trying to be brave. ‘I could have, and I almost did. But I didn’t want you to hate me.’

Liam shifted round and looked at Rosie for the first time since she’d sat beside him on the wall. The vulnerability written all over her face made his heart ache.

‘For goodness’ sake, Rosie, I could never hate you. Is that what you thought?’

She nodded. ‘You hate the Epping family and now I’m a part of it.’

‘But you’re not like them. You’re like your mum, who brought you up. Did you tell Matt about it?’

‘Yes,’ said Rosie, her voice flat. ‘But he was only interested in the Eppings’ money. That’s why he came over from Spain.’

Liam nodded, too angry to speak.

‘That’s why we’ve definitely split up for good,’ added Rosie, miserably. ‘That and him kissing Carmen.’

Liam’s anger suddenly shifted into irrational, inappropriate elation that he pushed down. ‘The man’s a moron.’

‘He is, a bit.’ She tried to giggle but it came out all strangled and strange, and Liam’s mood shifted again as a strong desire to throttle Matt overwhelmed him. He stood up once more, shook out his legs and sat back down.

‘It must have been so difficult, finding out that man’s your father.’

‘It’s been…’

When Rosie faltered, Liam put out his hand and covered hers. ‘I can see why your mum didn’t tell you.’

‘She thought I was better off without him. She wrote to him, to tell him that she was pregnant.’

‘So what happened?’

Rosie paused. ‘The letter never arrived.’

‘So he knew nothing about you? That’s tragic.’

‘Not really. I had a dad who I loved and who loved me in his own way, even though I wasn’t his, and Mum and I got to live at Driftwood House my whole life. It wasn’t so bad. But I want you to know that I honestly never mentioned your farm when I was talking to the Eppings about saving Driftwood House. I’d never do that. Not to you. Not to anyone.’

‘I know.’ Liam moved his hand from Rosie’s and pushed his fingers through his fringe. ‘I realised that when I’d calmed down. Also, Nessa rang and told me I was being – I think her words werea total arseto even suspect you of any wrong-doing.’
