Page 25 of A Monstrous Claim

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As if I’d ever share a mate with him.

There’s no sign of Azarius or Devyn as I cross the foyer toward the stairs.

They’re probably fucking again somewhere, and I don’t blame them. It’s what I would have done.

The way she stared up at him as she took his cock in her mouth—I wish she was staring that way at me right now.

For fuck’s sake, Elio. You’re pining for a human.

I’ve stooped to a new low.

My feet steer me toward the second floor, toward my room, but I know what’ll happen when I get back there. I’ll be jerking my dick to the thought of Devyn’s naked body and the memory of her dropping obediently to her knees.

Nope. Can’t do that.

I reluctantly head toward the front door of the mansion.

I need to take a walk.

I need air.

Anything to distract me from my stupid thoughts.

The door swings inward, and a relief of cool air slaps me as I step outside. It’s the middle of the night, the time when monsters are most active, and the fluorescent green moon shines overhead like a beacon, drowning the landscape in eerie light. The forest, a curtain of black surrounding the perimeter, stretches like a protective wall into the distance. Aside from a stretch of grass and a tiny garden at one end of the mansion, nothing else occupies the area between the house and the trees.

There’s nowhere to go.

Nowhere to hide.

So into the trees it is.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve found myself wandering these woods, letting my mind unwind between jobs. Living with Rafe is stressful enough when he isn’t sending us out constantly to make treaties with monsters. Dealing with him at all works my nerves.

He’s such an asshole.

But he’s a rich and powerful asshole, so I don’t plan on going anywhere. I’ve made my allegiance and sold my freedom for protection. And employment. I have to ride it out and do as I’m told.

Even if that means watching my best friend fuck the girl I’ve been eyeballing.

My cock twitches in my pants, straining against the material, and I curse silently.


I need a distraction.

The trees here don’t grow like Earth’s plants—these are much closer together, with roots that intertwine and strengthen one another just below the surface of the ground. They’re as tough as their gnarly black exterior looks too. I’ve had to cut down a few before, and it’s damn near impossible.

I weave my way through the maze of foliage, noting how easy it is without my wings on display. While there are advantages to having them tucked away, like navigating the tight avenues between these trees, I never feel quite whole without them while in my monster form. It always feels like something is missing. Like something’s bothering me just beyond reach, with no way to satiate the need unless I unleash them.

If I make it to a wider space, I’ll take a moment to stretch them, but I don’t have a particular destination in mind.

My only goal right now is to get the fuck away from the mansion.

And get Devyn off my mind.

There she is again—an itch that just won’t go away. Every time I try to get her out of my head, she’s there tenfold making a mockery of my failed attempts to erase her from my mind. I warned Azarius after our last meeting that associating with her in the future would be nothing but trouble, and that we should keep our distance after she dropped us off.

Now look where we are.
