Page 54 of Monster's Bride

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His eyes lock with mine and I trace the outline of his amber irises in my mind, finding comfort in them. His temper and body might be beastlike, but his eyes remind me of the soul that hovers just beneath his tough exterior. He’s proved more than once how compassionate he can be, and this is turning out to be one of those times.

“If you’ve changed your mind,” he says, his deep voice thrumming through my veins like one of Lizette’s calming potions, “now is your chance to leave.”

I catch my breath, refusing to break eye contact. How he reads my thoughts without magic astounds me. It leaves me speechless, makes me wonder how he knows me so well after spending so little time with me. I try not to let it distract me. He’s giving me something I never imagined—a choice.

My heart slams painfully against my ribs and I take a shaky breath, emotions spiraling out of control.

A tiny part of medoeswant to leave. There’s a tiny voice in my head reminding me I should have never teased Nor the way I did. My carnal fantasies are just a distraction, one that I need to rein in and control until my task here is finished. There would be nothing wrong with leaving now and pretending like none of this happened. I could tag along with Oryx and Lizette as they explore outside the castle. I could turn and walk away, leaving him here.

However, most of me wants to stay. I’ve spent so much time thinking about this moment, wondering what it might be like, what it mightfeellike. After playing a game of emotional tug of war with Nor for weeks, I feel like being here is a giant stride. I’m not entirely sure it’s in the right direction, but it’s something and it’s real. I want to hang onto it. I can’t back out now that the opportunity is finally here.

If I’m lucky, throwing myself wholeheartedly into this moment will give me the answers and clarity I’ve been yearning for. Maybe things will make more sense after this.

“I’m not leaving,” I say, trusting the tug in my gut that tells me this is where I’m supposed to be.

I’m nervous, maybe even a little bit scared, but I shove those emotions down as much as I can. I can unpack and analyze them later when I’m alone and my libido isn’t kicking into overdrive as hot tension pools between us. Right now, the only thing I want to unpack is his cock from his pants.

“Are you sure?” he asks, stepping closer so that my chest is pressed flush against his armor.

My body is putty in his hands as I stare up at him. Before I completely lose my inhibitions, I remind myself a final time that this doesn’t change anything. Whatever happens in this room doesn’t mean anything. It can’t. Nor and I don’t want each other on a personal level. This is much more superficial. This is about sating our wild libidos and nothing else.

At least, that’s what I tell myself.

Those things might be true for Nor, but a heaviness lands in my chest at the thought. I don’t think I’ll be quite the same after this, but I shove that down with the fear. If I think too much, I might not go through with it.

“Yes,” I say quickly, before I have a chance to talk myself out of it. “But on one condition.”

His brow furrows low as he considers me, his eyes slowly narrowing. “What’s the condition?”

One corner of my mouth quirks upward and I motion toward my dress. “This stays intact. I’m not walking back to my room naked in the middle of the day.”

He laughs, the sound deep and throaty, before he nods. “That’s disappointing. I was hoping to make it into confetti to celebrate the occasion.”

“Too bad,” I say, already attempting to pull myself away, but he doesn’t let me out of his grip.

He huffs, inching his face closer to mine. “Then let’s take it off before I’m tempted.”

I spin around slowly, pulling my cascading hair out of the way for Nor to undo the back of my dress. I’m curious how successful he’ll be with his large, meaty fingers, considering how tiny the fastenings are, but he somehow manages. It doesn’t take much work at all before the dress crumples to the floor and I step out of it, naked except for a pair of powder blue panties.

Nor unfastens the cloak around his throat and lets it fall carelessly to the floor before shedding the armor and tossing it aside. His boots and pants quickly join the mess of abandoned clothes on the floor, and he’s left wearing only a thin pair of boxers that leave nothing to the imagination. The outline of his mostly erect cock is clearly visible as it curls up and to the right. He pauses for a beat, probably because my eyebrows have crept impossibly close to my hairline, letting me look him over.

I take my time, enjoying not being rushed. I’m not stealing secret glances of bare skin when I can or hurriedly fumbling with his clothes in a vacant hall. I’m able to look and really see, taking in my fill of him. His smokey gray skin is stretched tight over the mounds of muscle that make up his torso. Aside from his impressive stature and thick limbs, everything below his shoulders appears humanlike. Even his feet, which I’d partially suspected were hooves, look like oversized human feet.

“Turn around,” I say, my eyes raking over every angle of his body. “Please.”

His jaw flexes, like the thought of obeying me makes him uncomfortable, but he obliges, doing a complete circle so I can admire him from all sides.

“Happy?” he groans, and I smile proudly.


“Good.” He steps toward me, closing the distance between us. When he’s close enough, he trails the tips of his fingers along my collarbone, down over my breasts, and rests his hands on my waist. There’s nothing but two pieces of fabric separating us, and I’m waiting patiently to follow his lead. “Do you trust me?”

My breath hitches as I lose myself in his amber eyes.Do I trust him?

No is my knee-jerk answer, but I quickly wonder why. I’m alone with him, naked and as vulnerable as I’ll ever be, offering my body up for him to have his way with. That has to prove some amount of trust.

“Yes,” I say as his fingers tease their way back up my body.
