Page 28 of Gabbriello Deluca

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Because you may have killed my cousin and I will kill you if I find out it was you. Oh, and I lied. I’m actually an FBI agent working to build a case to throw you in jail for the rest of your life.

“Because” Layla paused again. “I’m going home after Samantha’s funeral.” She paused. “Are you going to the funeral?” she quickly asked, trying to divert the conversation.

“Of course, I’ll be there,” he answered and paused before continuing. “If you change your mind about going out with me again, call me.”

Gabbriello handed her a business card he retrieved from the front pocket of his pants. Layla reached out and took it and their hands brush each other. Electricity coursed through her veins, like he had all the power she so desperately needed. She wanted to keep touching him. She wanted to feel his warmth, feel what it would be like to have her body pressed up against his, and how it would feel to have his firm hands all over her. The thought made her knees feel weak.

“Thank you,” Layla said, trying to keep her cool. “I guess I will see you at Sam’s funeral, then.”

“It looks like it. Goodnight, Layla.”

“Goodnight, Gabbriello.”

Layla opened the door to the hotel room and stepped inside. She exchanged one last look at Gabbriello before closing the door and flipping the lock. Layla let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the back of the door.

What was she doing? This was Gabbriello Deluca. The drug lord, the mob boss, the murderer. What was she going to do? What was her plan? She didn’t have one. It was all just one big game of winging it. She hoped she didn’t screw it up because everyone knew what happened when you get trapped behind enemy lines. If she is lucky, they will kill her quickly.

* * *

Layla’s head was still whirling when she finally made it to the large king-size bed and sat down. With the silence surrounding her, she noticed how loud her thoughts had become. Her mind raced as she again tried to process Samantha’s death along with the date with Gabbriello. A lump formed in her throat as she buried her face in her hands and began to cry. She cried out openly as she let her tears fall.

Suddenly, her ringtone echoed through the air. Layla reached for her cell phone resting on the bedside table. She wiped her tears and cleared her throat as she retrieved the small device. Layla’s vision was still blurred when she looked at the caller ID. Despite the visual challenge of seeing through her tears, she saw it was her mother calling.

Layla took a deep breath and tried to make her voice sound as natural as possible. “Hi, Mom.”

“Layla?” her mother sounded worried. “Where are you? I thought you were coming home?”

“I…,” Layla paused as she tried to think of an excuse quickly. “It’s been a long day. I’m sorry I didn’t make it there. Do you want me to call off from work tomorrow?”

“Only if you want to,” her mother paused. “I want you to do whatever you feel comfortable doing. I talked to Samantha’s parents. You should call them. I know they’re worried about you.”

“Worried about me?” Layla asked, surprised.

“Yes, they knew how close you and Sam were.”

“Have they made funeral arrangements yet?”

“No, not yet. They’re still waiting for the police. I know they made lots of calls to family and friends, notifying them. Your dad and I are going with them tomorrow to the funeral home. It’s the same funeral home we used for your grandfather.”

“I remember.” Layla choked back her impending tears. She didn’t want to break down in front of her mother.

“Anyway, I think they’re going to start making plans, but we have to wait for the body. Her body. An autopsy is going to take a few days. So, we are hoping after that, we can finally lay her to rest,” her mother said.

There was a moment of silence over the phone. “Hey, listen, I have to go. If I don’t make it there tomorrow, I will definitely be there before the funeral.”

“Okay, but don’t work too hard. You don’t want to get burnt out. You know how important it is to grieve.”

“I know, Mom,” Layla said softly. “I see it with all the victims I work with. I’ll make sure I take some time for myself. Okay?”

“Okay, I love you.”

“I love you too. Bye.” Layla hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Restless, she stood, retrieved her room key, and left the hotel room still wearing the sexy red dress.

* * *

Gabbriello took large strides as he walked towards the elevators. He pulled out his phone and dialed Mariano’s number. His brother answers on the first ring.

“Hey Gabe, what’s up?”
