Page 29 of Gabbriello Deluca

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“I need you to run a background check for me.” Gabbriello pushed the elevator button. “Layla Bancroft.” His brother was not only part owner of the hotel and club, he was a computer whiz.

“You’re going to have to be more specific. There are no Layla Bancrofts, but there are several L. Bancroft’s in Philadelphia and the surrounding area. Do you have a middle name or initial?”

“I only have that name. Can you go on Samantha’s social pages and see if she’s tagged Layla in any of her posts?” Gabbriello walked into the elevator when the doors opened.

“Nothing. Samantha doesn’t mention anything about a Layla Bancroft. Who is she?”

He pressed the button for the lobby floor. “It’s the woman we had the issue today at the club, the one who was snooping around.”

“You mean the reason we’re down a bartender and bouncer?” Mariano said sarcastically.

“If they knew how to follow rules, they wouldn’t have had a problem.” Gabbriello’s voice was stern. He didn’t tolerate anyone questioning his authority or getting out of line. “I had a conversation with her, and she said she’s Sam’s cousin and I can’t tell if she’s lying or telling the truth. We don’t need more cops snooping around.”

“Unless you have some more info, I can’t help you.”

“Shit!” Gabbriello hung up the phone and walked casually through the lobby. His eyes analyzed the staff and guests walking in and out of the hotel. Gabbriello made his way behind the check-in counter and through a door that read: Staff Only. Behind the door was a large room with twenty different computer monitors watching different areas of the hotel.

“Good evening, Mr. Deluca.” Russell said. He had been head of security for the past five years. “Can I do anything for you?”

“Which one has eyes on the tenth floor?” Gabbriello asked.

“That one,” Russell pointed to the monitor that was the second to the left.

Gabbriello stared at the monitor. No one was on camera. After a few seconds, the door to room 1025 opened and Layla walked out. Gabbriello watched as she made her way to the elevator and pushed the button to go down.

“Is everything alright, Mr. Deluca?”

Gabbriello ignored the security captain as he mumbled under his breath. “Where are you going?”


Gabbriello followed Layla as she exited the hotel. He weaved in between strangers and employees in order to keep up with her. Layla walked out of the hotel and paused before crossing the street. Gabbriello kept his eyes locked on her as she made her way towards the Emerald Club. The thick vibrations from the bass could be heard outside of the club.

To Gabbriello’s surprise, Layla didn’t go into the club. Instead, she walked towards a silver Toyota Highlander that was parked on the corner. The headlights flash once, and Layla opened the door. Gabbriello watched her from fifteen feet away as she got into the SUV.

Layla sat in her SUV and turned on one of the dome lights inside.

Gabbriello stayed out of sight, but moved closer to get a better look. He watched her lean towards the passenger side and retrieved an item from the glove compartment. He inched closer, but the busy crowd obstructed his view. When his line of sight cleared, Gabbriello studied Layla’s expression. Her eyes have fallen towards her feet and her facial features turn sad.

The ringing of Gabbriello’s cell phone broke his concentration. He retrieved it from his pocket and saw an unknown number. He glanced back up at Layla, who was holding her phone to her ear. Gabbriello answered the call. “Hello,” he said in a calm voice.

“Hi, Gabbriello . . . it’s Layla.”

“Hi, is everything okay?” Gabbriello stared at her as they continued their conversation.

“Yes, I…,” she paused. “I don’t know why I’m calling you. I just…,”

“What’s wrong Layla? You sound upset,” he asked as he continued to stare at her through the windshield. Gabbriello saw Layla wiping her cheeks as if she started to cry.

“Nothing’s wrong. I just…, I wanted to hear your voice. I know that sounds stupid.”

“No,” Gabbriello countered. “It’s not stupid at all. Do you want to come over to my place? I can pop open another bottle of wine and we can talk. Or, if you don’t want to talk, we can just keep each other company, silently?”

Layla let out a slight laugh through her tears. “I could really use some company now,” she said as her tone turned solemn. “I don’t want to go to my parents’ home tonight, and I don’t want to stay in that hotel room alone.

“You can stay with me; I have a spare room.” Gabbriello said as he moved a little closer. He could now see her facial expression clearly.

There was a long pause as he watched her bite down on her bottom lip. “Okay, where is your place?”
