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This time,I unleashed my dragon and flew back to Alvin’s estate. I wasn’t going to waste time when I knew Ness needed me. Beryl had taken me at the worst possible moment once again. Ness had been broken and in need of someone to hold her together. Though I’d started helping her pull herself back together, I’d been stolen away before we could finish.

A snarl ripped from my lips as I plummeted from the sky and landed with a thud. Reluctantly, my dragon allowed me to pull it back inside myself. Human once more, I stepped forward just as Vi peeled away from the small crowd gathering.

My breath hitched when I looked to the center of the crowd. I expected to see Ness there, but one of the other female shifters stood in the middle. My beast moved, scraping its horns against the inside of my skin in warning.

Vi gave me an apologetic look, guilt dragging her down like the weight of the world now sat on her back. “There was nothing we could do to stop her.”

Pain sliced across my skull. My vision split, the world turning gray for a second. I inhaled sharply, but my lungs couldn’t expand. Something sharp sat in my chest and prevented me from breathing. My beast fidgeted uncomfortably. I could feel its restlessness turning manic as I scanned the yard for Ness.

I’d made it back to Alvin’s estate only to find the pack had dispersed. Ness was nowhere to be seen. Panic hit me in the core and forced bile up my throat. I searched high and low while Vi called my name.

When I couldn’t find Ness, I spun on Vi with a growl. “What happened?”

Her eyes flashed red with demonic fury, but the light quickly faded. Her shoulders sank in defeat. “Alvin came back after taking Janessa. We tried to stop him, but no one would help. Ness took matters into her own hands.”

There were scorch marks on the ground. Ness had called lightning again. Though I felt a bit of pride float through me, my panic soon drowned it out. She’d used the lightning as a warning, but hadn’t wanted to hit anyone with it again. If she had, then there would be bodies.

Ness, why won’t you save yourself?

Her scent wasn’t anywhere to be found. Just like before, Alvin had vanished into the spell-studded woods, where no one would be able to track him. I raised my gaze to the sky. I could fly over Lakesedge to search for them, but there was no guarantee that they were still within the territory’s boundaries.

Alvin could have taken her anywhere. It would have been easy had he taken her into the house. Then I could have torn it apart, piece by piece to get my mate back.

My mate.

The world flashed gray again. I rocked on my feet as a sensation slammed into my chest and stole the breath from my lungs. Need pinched me tight. It wasn’t need for faery wine, but a need to find my mate, my treasure.

I groaned and clutched my throbbing head. The world swayed like water in a bottle. Bile hit the back of my throat when my beast began thrashing. I could almost feel the dragon foaming at the mouth.

My thoughts churned, falling one over another like waves crashing against a rock face. I was the rock face, slowly being worn away by my fear. Where was she? I had to find her. I needed her in my hands.

“Ness,” I groaned, my voice breaking like my control.

The beast lashed its tail. It cut me in half. In one eye, the world was full of color. The other eye held nothing but gray-tones. Was this how my father felt?

Despite the pain in my chest, I sucked in a deep breath and forced the tsunami of emotions back. The process left me nearly exhausted. My hands shook, and my beast seemed far away. The last time I’d been this drained had been after my fight with my father, when I’d had to heal from the blows he’d dealt.

I ran a hand through my hair and tugged as I blew out a breath. Ness’s father watched me with a grim expression on his face. Vi chewed her lower lip, a small fang piercing the delicate skin.

I’m coming to find you, Ness.

Damned woman. She’d gone and sacrificed herself before I could even tell her how I felt. I would get her back. My beast refused to consider any other option. Turning my eyes to the storm above, I promised her that I would find her, even if she couldn’t hear me right now.

Ness’s father coughed. He leaned against the house, his skin looking pale and gaunt. Though his eyelids drooped low, he seemed to be holding on. He braced himself and lifted his head stubbornly.

Bri put a hand on my arm. Growling, I flinched away from her. She scowled and crossed her arms over her chest. Bri had allowed this to happen. I wouldn’t forgive her for not putting up more of a fight.

Tilting her head to the side, Bri said, “I wonder why he hasn’t outright killed her yet. The fact that he hasn’t shows us something, I just can’t figure out what. Why is Alvin so intimidated by Ness?”

Vi explained the prophecy, but Bri’s lips remained twisted to the side in thought. She tapped her fingers on her crossed arms.

“Then why not kill her?” Bri asked again.

I snarled at her. “Can you stop saying that? We should be searching for her. If we start combing Lakesedge, then there’s a chance we can find her today.”
