Page 58 of Ronan

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“That went well.”

“Fuck off, Finn.” He laughs as he heads back to the table where the others are seated.

I stand at the edge of the balcony as Maxim comes to stand by my side.

“Tell me you didn’t split us up just to throw her away.” I don’t answer him. I continue to watch every move she makes, and I watch every guy that gets too close, vowing to rip them apart if they touch her.

Maxim sighs, walking away and down the steps straight for her. My spine straightens and my demon seethes.

I watch as they talk. She’s smiling, but when he places his hand on her arm, I see the ever so slight change in her posture. She doesn’t want him to touch her, and I almost fucking lose it. I’m about to bolt for the stairs when my brothers appear at my side, Killian placing a firm hand on my shoulder.

“You can’t lose it here, Ronan.” Killian adds a little more pressure to my shoulder, letting me know he’s reining me in.

“I’ve spent the last week and a half trying to bump into her, making sure I’m at Ma’s when I know she’s going to drop Maddie off or pick her up. I just needed to see her. I needed to see for myself how she was doing.”

“Just let her work, give her some space. You literally kicked her to curb because you thought you knew best.” I glare at Finn. I hate the fact that he just doesn’t give a shit what he says, but worse, I hate that the little fucker is right.

I watch her all night and let Josie flirt with me when I think she’s looking, but I don’t get a rise from her.

I know I’m being a dick; I don’t deserve anything from her. Finn was right, I kicked her to the curb, and now that I can’t have her, it’s killing me.

I think it’s the lack of response. The day I ended it in the car with her, when she just said thanks for the lift and got out, I was fucking gobsmacked. I expected her to shout and scream, cry, but it was like she just didn’t give a shit.

Almost one a.m. and the club is still rammed. I lost sight of her about thirty minutes ago, and it’s putting me on edge.

“Ronan, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know where she is, Kill… haven’t seen her for about thirty minutes.”

“Relax, man, the club’s at capacity, she’s probably just all over serving.” He places a reassuring hand on my shoulder before heading down the stairs and through the back to the office.

I’m still searching the club when my phone vibrates in my pocket a few minutes later. I pull it out to see a message from Killian, and I breathe a sigh of relief.


She’s grabbing stock.

Thank fuck. I thought she’d blown and headed home for a minute. I still have two hours to watch her, I’m not ready for her to go home yet.

The club finally seems to be emptying. Checking my watch, I notice its two twenty a.m.––we close at three.

Finn sees me checking my watch and he glances around the club. “I’m heading down to help encourage people to start heading home,” he announces as he heads down the stairs. Killian follows two minutes later.

“What do you want to do, brother?” Connor asks as he joins me at the railing, looking over the club.

“We’ll give them till two forty-five then head down if they haven’t cleared everyone out.”

“I don’t mean about closing, I mean about her… are you going to talk to her? Or are you just going to let her slip through your fingers?”

“Nah, man, she deserves to be happy and safe, and so does Maddie.”

“Ronan, you make her happy, and Maddie, well, she’s a kid, man. There’s not much she isn’t happy with. Why do you think she’s not safe with you?”

“Our life, Con, it’s dangerous. Every day she’s with me, she’s at risk.”

“You can’t live like that, man; life is a risk. Answer me this, are you scared she’ll get hurt, or are you scared of how you feel––of how she makes you feel?”

I take a minute to consider my answer. “All of it.”
