Page 8 of Ronan

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I feel the rage build, and my demon starts to surface. I grab him, yanking him up by his shirt, and I slam him against the door. Kill and Connor are on me instantly, trying to pull me off our baby brother, but I hold firm. My eyes are pinned on his––defiant little fucker shows me no fear.

Killian and Connor are pulling at me, yelling for me to let go of him.

“Stay the fuck away from her. Staff are off limits, you little prick,” I growl right in his face. He just raises his eyebrows and smiles, then says something that pisses me off even further.

“Are you sure it’s not actually the fact that she’s staff that’s got you this angry, but the fact that you want her for yourself, big brother? Hate to say it, but you might be shit outta luck. Pretty sure Dan’s already hitting that sweet little thing.”

I pull him away from the door, throwing him into our brothers, and I storm out to the main floor, all three of them hot on my heels.

I find her behind the bar, laughing with Dan as they make sure everything is stocked for tonight. I storm between them and grab her arm, pulling her away from him and behind me.

“Ow, fuck, get the fuck off m… Ronan?”

She looks surprised to see me, just as surprised as I was to see her on those monitors a few minutes ago. My eyes bore into hers as my brothers surround her. Finn stands right behind her as Killian and Connor each place a hand on my arms, trying to calm me. They know me––they know my demon is after blood and it won’t take much for him to come all the way out to play.

I feel Dan’s hand grab my shoulder before I hear him. “Let her go, man, you’re hurting her.”

That’s all it takes for my demon to rise. I spin, ensuring I have a tight grip on Liv, pulling my other arm away from Killian and wrapping my hand around Dan’s neck. I squeeze, significantly reducing the amount of air Dan can inhale. My brothers grab at me, trying to pull me off him, but I don’t have control now, my demon does, and he wants Dan’s blood. He’s pissed Dan was so close to her.

I know my brothers are yelling, I can hear them yelling for me to let go, to stop, begging me, but it’s like I’m under water. Their voices are garbled, not clear enough for me listen, and there was only ever one voice that ever made it through that fog, and he’s dead––there’s no one to help me now.

I look at Dan, his face starting to turn purple, his hands ripping at the one I have around his neck. He’s desperate, and I know I’m going to kill him if I don’t let go, but I just can’t. I don’t want to. I want to watch him take his last breath.

Suddenly, the air shifts… the voices are still garbled, but it feels like they are fading away. I feel a hand––small and gentle––rest on my chest, then I hear it… I hear her saying my name… she’s calling to me like a siren… “Ronan, let him go, please, I need you to let him go.”

The rage starts to subside, and the more she speaks, the more my demon settles. The voices are clearer now, and I can hear Killian.

“You need to step away from him, lass. Trust me, this is for your safety.”

I feel her shift, but not away––she moves closer, stepping in front of me. “I’m good, he won’t hurt me. Ronan, please… Let. Him. Go.” Her tone changes on the last few words. She’s forceful but calm.

My rage clears and I drop my hand from around Dan’s throat. He collapses to the floor, gasping for air, and Finn races to his side.

I can breathe again, but I’m pissed. I turn on her.

“What the fuck are you doing in New York? Did you follow me here?”

She looks up at me, stunned. Her mouth opens and closes, but I don’t give her a chance to say anything.

“Pack up your shit and go. Get the fuck out. You no longer work here.”

I push her away from me and she stumbles. Killian steadies her as I head towards the corridor when I hear her yell, “What the fuck is wrong with you? I didn’t follow you here, I didn’t even know you were from New York. You didn’t exactly tell me anything about yourself, did you?” She sighs and loses some steam. “I need this job, please don’t fire me.”

I turn back, stalking towards her, backing her against the bar, and for the first time since I met her, she looks afraid. My brothers circle us as I get right in her face and snarl.

“I don’t give a fuck if you need this job, you are done here… pack your shit and leave, and I’m not just talking about the club. Leave New York. I want you out of this city by tomorrow.”

I push through my brothers and head out the back of the club. I yank the door open with such force that it puts a hole in the wall. I don’t give a shit, I’m raging, I can’t believe she’s in New York. I used her as my release and now she’s here. I need her gone, having her here unsettles me. I climb into my car, heading for the only place I can think clearly. I head for my brother.

Chapter 6


Finn walked me into the back office before heading back to the main bar with his other brothers and Dan. I have no idea what the hell happened out there, Ronan’s eyes just clouded over… I have no idea what came over him, or why I thought I could calm him.

The office is nice, and it’s definitely a man’s office. It’s dark with two large desks facing the door, a tan sofa on the left, and a large computer set up on the right-hand side, just under an entire wall of monitors that look over the entire club and bar area.

I sigh and take a seat on the sofa, looking up at the monitors to see the brothers talking to Dan, and he looks pissed. I’m not surprised, I really thought Ronan was going to kill him.
