Page 36 of Finn

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He’s on me in two strides, pulling me in for a full-on hug. Fuck, I’ve never had this before, I’ve always kind of pulled away from this sort of thing.

Knowing my Da didn’t think I was one of them, knowing he didn’t want me––what was it he always said?‘Distracting his sons’…I just kept to myself. I was either alone or with ma.

Having Kill show me this kind of affection has me choking up. Giving it another minute before I can’t take anymore, I clear my throat and pull away from him.

“I’m fucking honoured, Finn. Thank you so much for asking me.”

“Thank you for saying yes. I’ve been pretty stressed about asking you. I was so worried you’d say no.”

“Hey.” Kill grabs my arm, stopping me from walking away. “Never be afraid to ask me anything, no matter what it is.”

I give him a single nod, letting him know I heard him before walking out and heading to the kitchen. I needed to get out of there, the last few minutes was way more emotion than I’m used to feeling, and I need a breather.

As I walk into the kitchen, I walk right up to my girl, leaning over her so she has to crane her neck to see me. Then I cage her in and kiss her. I kiss her like my life depends on it, because in this moment, it feels like it does.

“We’ll see you guys later. Enjoy your day out, ladies.” Killian gives Alex and Cara a kiss and a hug, then waits for Bella to hug the women and Con before he leads her out.

“Wait, are you guys coming with us?” Cara asks Connor and Alex.

Connor smiles, grabbing his woman and leading her to the front door. “We are. We’ll meet you outside.”

I turn back to Cara and just stare at her, taking in her beautiful face. God, I fucking love this woman, and she doesn’t even realise it. But today, she will. I need her to know how much before the wedding tomorrow.

“Grab your leather jacket, baby, you’re gonna need it.” I pull her up from the chair and smack her arse, pushing her in the direction of the stairs for her to go up and grab her jacket.

She giggles and moves over to the dining table and picks it up. I hadn’t even seen it when I walked in, I was so focussed on her.

“Alex said I would need it, and she also told me I would need to make sure I wore jeans and boots. She wouldn’t tell me why though.”

I take in her outfit. She’s wearing ripped dark blue jeans, a back tank, and her blank doc martins. My dick goes hard, and I really want to fuck her on the counter, but Connor and Alex are outside waiting for us.

I give her a chaste kiss on the lips then grab her hand and lead her to the garage.

Chapter 23

I stumble the moment I realise what he’s dragging me to. “Err, Finn, you can’t be serious?”

He looks at me and smiles. “You’ll love it, princess, I promise.”

“I… I’ve never been on a bike before, Finn. I’m scared.”

He stops us in front of it, then steps over to the bench along the back wall, grabbing two helmets and making his way back over to me. He places a matt black one on top of his matching matt black motorbike and then places a matt black one with an orange trim on my head, making sure the straps are secure under my chin.

“You’re safe with me, princess, I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you or our little bean.” He places his hand on my stomach, and my breath catches in my throat. That’s the first time he’s acknowledged the baby like that, and noticing my reaction, he goes to pull his hand away, but I grab it before he has a chance to.

I smile at him and nod. “Okay, I trust you.” He helps me climb onto the bike and runs through some safety information with me, before climbing on in front of me. Before he has a chance to start it, I lift my visor and call out to him, “Wait, Finn…” He turns his head so I can see half of his face. “The helmet, how long have you had it?”

I see him smile, start the engine, and the bike vibrates underneath me and rumbles to life. He leans back into me and yells over the noise of the engine, “I ordered it last week. I wanted you to have your own.”

Before I have a chance to say anything, the garage door opens and he eases his way outside, where I see Connor and Alex sitting on a bike exactly like Finn’s.

I flip the visor down and smile as Finn follows Connor out onto the road.

For the first few minutes of the ride, I was so scared I’d gripped Finn so tightly that I’d started to lose the feeling in my arms and hands, but after a little while, I started to relax. Being on the open road made me feel free. I feel like I can take on anything as long as I have Finn at my side.

About an hour after leaving Finn’s, we finally start to slow, and I look around Finn and notice we’re pulling into Coney Island. I smile, excited that he’s taking me somewhere fun.

He pulls up next to Connor and helps me off the bike, then helps me out of my helmet. I’m so glad that I tied my hair up today.
