Page 5 of Finn

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This isn’t the Finn I met in the club two months ago. This one is mean and moody, and the one I met was caring and considerate. I sit at the island, playing with my breakfast, wondering what I’ve gotten myself into, when thirty minutes later, he reappears, looking incredible in a navy suit and white shirt. He checks something on his phone then grabs his keys from the table by the door before looking at me.

“The door will be locked when I leave. Your security will be out the front and at the back of the house. If you need something then you call me. I’ll be back tonight.”

The fucker winks and shoots me a smirk before leaving and locking the door behind him.

Chapter 3

I had intended to stay at home today, but her snipy little attitude pissed me off, and all I wanted to do was fucking spank her arse raw. She’s not ready for that sort of shit, she’s way too vulnerable. One day though, she’ll learn who’s in charge.

I’m finally finished loading the security upgrades––it’s taken me way too long but they are done. Feeling like I can breathe a little, I lean back in my chair and log into my home security system. The cameras flicker to life, and it only takes me a millisecond to find her, curled in a ball on her bed, crying, again.

It’s pissing me off that she lied to me last night and this morning, there is more than the bullshit excuse of not having control and leaving everything behind.

She’s keeping something from me, I just haven’t figured out what or why.

I’m so lost in watching her that I don’t hear Killian enter until he grips my shoulder. “What the hell are you doing?”

I roll my eyes, knowing he can’t see me. “Just checking on her. She was pretty upset this morning.”

“Finn, you have a fucking camera in her bedroom… what the fuck is wrong with you?”

My jaw hits the floor and I spin in my chair. “Are you forgetting about the cameras you have all over Bella’s house, including her bathroom and bedroom?”

“That’s different, she’s my fiancée.”

“Bullshit. Why don’t we call her and ask?” I pick up my phone to make out like I’m going to call her.

“Okay, you made your point. But why were you spying on her?”

“Again, not spying, she was upset last night and this morning, and I wanted to make sure she was okay.”

Getting up, I head over to the brown leather sofa on the right-hand wall and make myself comfortable, as Killian sits at his desk.

“What aren’t you telling me, baby brother?”

“I dunno, man, something feels off. Seamus called yesterday, said he had to change her flight and told me to keep her safe. He said he’d explain when he got here, and when I asked her what had her so upset, she lied to me, gave me a bullshit excuse of being sad she was leaving everything behind and having her choices taken away from her. Don’t look at me like that, I know it might sound crazy, but I know when she’s lying. I can’t explain how I know, I just do.”

“I got a call from Andre earlier, our shipment never made it onto the boat. Let’s sort that shit out, then why don’t you and I hit the gym? I could use a decent sparring session.”

“Yeah, thanks, man, that’d be good.”

* * *

Four hours later, and I’m on my back on the octagon floor. Kill is leaning against the cage next to me, both of us trying to catch our breaths.

“He’d be proud of you, you know that, right?”

Startled, I roll my head to look at Killian, to find he’s watching me. “What?”

“Rory. He’d proud of you, seeing how much you’ve learnt.”

I sit up and sigh, pulling my legs up and wrapping my arms around them, gripping my hands to get some traction against the sweat. “I’m not so sure… whenever I’m working at his desk, it feels like I’m being suffocated by the ghost of him, like he’s watching me, letting me know I’m not good enough or it’s taking me too long to figure some shit out.”

Killian stands, walking to the cage door, grabbing our bottles of water from the edge before throwing me mine. I reach out and catch it just before it shoots straight past me. He sits down next to me, takes a big glug of water, then places his hand on my shoulder.

“You got that security feed from the dock up in less than three minutes this morning. That was bloody quick. I know it may feel like we threw you into that role, but Rory was training you for a reason. He always said how good you were, how quick you picked things up. We all asked him to teach us what he did, but he refused, said you were the only person he could teach. You were the only one he wanted to teach.”

I look at him, surprised by what he’s saying.
