Page 45 of Say You Promise

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His body is on top of mine faster than I can blink, his face right next to mine, his eyes locked on me when he says, "Baby, you have me."

Our lips collide in a passionate embrace, and I feel like I've just given him a sliver of my heart. I confessed out loud what I've felt in my heart and tried to bury it deep. Not only do I want this man, but I also need this man, and that fucking scares the shit out of me.

A tear rolls down my cheek, landing on the hand he has cupped around my face. When he looks at me, I know he must sense the depth of my words because he rasps, “you have no idea how much I need you” before quickly pulling my shirt over my head and removing my bra. I watch as he stands to slide his underwear down, admiring the sight of his large cock that reaches to his belly button. Fucking hell, how did that fit last night? I slam my legs closed, seeking friction, and trying to ward him off.

Never taking his eyes off me, he takes his hand and slowly glides it up and down his shaft until a bead of pre-cum glistens over his head. Fuck me, that's hot.

Biting my lip, I twist my nipple, desperate for him to touch me where I need it most. "If you want me, baby. You have to open up." I shake my head no, and he smiles before reaching down to pry my legs open.

Once I'm spread out before him, he smacks my pussy, and I cry out in pleasure. The next thing I know, his mouth is on my clit, sucking it into his mouth, and I fucking see stars. I come so hard, so fast, and he barely touched me. How embarrassing. Before I have time to overthink it, he says, "I love how your body responds to me, baby. You're so attuned to me, so eager, so mine."

He reaches up and grabs my hips and slowly pulls my ass to the edge of the bed, where he lines his cock up with my entrance and dips the head in. I feel my pussy spasm immediately from the intrusion.

"Fuck baby, your greedy pussy is trying to pull me in."

Then he pulls out and runs his throbbing cock through my wet lips, rocking into me, applying just enough pressure to torment me.

"August, please."

His eyes snap up from where he's been watching his dick run over my clit, and I see them soften with a promise to give me what I want. He must know how much I need him inside me to feel the soul-crushing, irrevocable connection we share. That connection is almost as good as the sex. Closing his eyes, he says, "I know, baby, I know," then he's pushing into me one delicious inch at a time.

My body struggles to relax at the intrusion, but when he leans down over me, cradles my head, and whispers, "Baby, let me have you." Immediately his words melt me to my core, and my body relaxes around him, letting him sink into the hilt. We both moan in complete rapture as our bodies join together. He looks down at me, jaw slack, eyes hooded with lust as he takes my mouth and swipes his warm tongue against mine stealing pieces of my soul with each sultry caress.

"You're mine now, baby. Do you understand? I'm the first and last that will ever have this. You have no idea what it does to me, knowing I'm the only man that's ever been inside you."

Then he pulls out before slamming back in so hard it takes my breath away. Closing my eyes, I breathe through the sting as he stretches me. He takes a nipple between his fingers and gently tugs it while sucking the other in his mouth, and I feel my body release.

"That's it, baby, soak my cock." His dirty words stir a fire in me that I didn't know existed, he makes fucking him feel so right, so natural, and I can't help but surrender to him completely.

He's standing, plunging into me repeatedly, watching where our bodies connect, wholly entranced, and I can't help but feel every word he's said to me is true. He wants me, he desires me, and I'm his.

My orgasm is building, and I'm on the verge of coming when he reaches down to rub slow circles over my clit. "I can feel you clenching. I want you to come on my cock baby. Milk me." I shatter beneath him, and when he slams in hard, I feel the jerk of his cock as he fills me up before falling on top of me. Chest heaving and glistening with sweat, he kisses my neck, and between ragged breaths, he murmurs, "You’re so perfect, baby. Promise me I can keep you." And I'm a goner.

Somethingstartlesmeawake,and my eyes fly open while my body remains frozen in fear. Looking around the room, I briefly panic before realizing I'm in August's room, and he's currently wrapped around me, spooning me from behind. His arm is tightly wrapped around my center as if he was scared I might slip away during the night. I hear his light breathing on the pillow behind me, and I try to calm my racing heart. Knowing that August is with me brings me comfort, but something startled me awake.

No sooner than my heart settles, I hear something crash to the ground outside the glass doors that lead out to the wrap-around deck. I turn in his arms expecting him to wake, but he must sleep like the dead because he doesn't flinch. Gently I nudge his chest and whisper, "August, wake up." Then, sitting straight up in bed, I clutch the sheet to my chest and focus my eyes on the sheer curtains that run the room's length. They obscure the view to the deck so that you can't see in or out, but you can see shadows.

The lighting that runs beneath the glass panels of the decking casts just enough light that I can make out the outlines of the potted trees and deck chairs. I sit frozen, waiting to catch movement, so locked in alarm that I don't even feel August move until he's kissing my shoulder.

I scream and clutch my chest in absolute horror. August throws his arms around my body, holding me tight in his grip.

"Baby, I'm here. Calm down. Everything's okay." He kisses my shoulder again, and I know he can feel my body trembling against his. I press my palms into my eyes and take a deep breath before saying, "I thought I heard someone outside."

Without question, he jumps up and pulls his boxers on before grabbing a bat resting next to his nightstand. Making his way to the sliding glass door, he slowly peers out the curtains, scanning the deck. When he's satisfied that there isn't an immediate threat outside, he exits the bedroom to check the living room.

I'm still trying to determine if being here with him is what startled me awake or if something was indeed out there. Then it hits me. He didn't even question my claim, and he had a bat next to the bed as if prepared for this moment. Either he is my knight in shining armor valiantly rushing to protect me, or this has happened before, which is terrifying.

Finally, he comes back in, sets the bat back in its spot, and climbs back under the covers with me. Pulling me into his arms so that we're spooning again, he says, "It must have been a raccoon or something. A potted plant was knocked over."

I let out a breath, I didn't realize I was holding. But, still, I can't relax. I need to know why he has the bat.

"Why do you have the bat next to your bed?" He pulls my chin towards him to take in my expression and read the direction of my thoughts. His eyebrows furrow with concern.

"I've always kept a bat next to my bed. Baby, you're safe with me, my place is locked up, and I have a security system. It's just me and you in here."

The tension in my body slowly leaves, and I relax into his hold. I suppose he's right. My dad keeps a bat in the hallway closet for the same sort of purpose. I'm just letting fear cloud my judgment.

"I'll always protect you, baby. You don't have to be scared." Pulling my hair over my shoulder, he kisses his way up to my neck before wrapping his arm around me. Slowly his fingers trail up my stomach with a tantalizing promise of pleasure. When he reaches my chest, he grabs my bare breast in his hand before dragging his thumb over my erect nipple. He groans and pumps his hard cock into my ass. "Baby, I love having you naked in my bed. I could get used to this." I arch my back so that my breast pushes more firmly into his hand, and my ass rubs up against his stiff cock.
