Page 55 of Say You Promise

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The night she showed up at the club after I laid into Ethan wasn’t a coincidence, hell Ethan all but confirmed that when he showed up at my place out of nowhere and acted like he had no idea who Gigi was. Then tonight when Carson called me Auggie a name Ethan has only ever called me to rile me up could only mean one thing, it’s him. If she thought, her vile comment went unnoticed she’s not as smart as I thought she was. That comment slipped because she was jealous of the fact that Ethan had his arm around Gigi. I could care less that they are fucking. What I can’t figure out is what Gigi has to do with any of this. Why pull her in?

Lost in my thoughts and rage, it's not until we hit the parking lot that I realize Gigi has been struggling to keep pace with my stride in her heels.

"August, please stop pulling me. You're hurting my wrist and walking too fast." Turning back, I yank her into me before bending down and throwing her over my shoulder. I know I'm a little rough, but I'm doing the best I can, given the rage that's threatening to consume me.

"August put me down right now." I slap her ass hard. "Not going to happen, baby."

When I reach my SUV, I deposit her in the passenger seat before pulling her seatbelt across her lap and slamming the door. I waste no time tearing out of there and heading toward my house.

"August, please just take me home." I don't respond. There's no way I'm taking her home. She's not safe at home. I'm not sure what Ethan wants, but I know he has no problem using Gigi to get it. She will be staying with me indefinitely until I figure this out. In a clipped tone, I grind out, "You can't go home. Maybe if you had come to me before tonight, that would have been an option, but it's gone now."

Shaking her head, she stares out her window in silence. That's fine with me. I don't want to talk to her right now anyway. It will only lead to words I'll regret later.

When I pull onto a heavily wooded road that leads up to my house, she finally snaps out of her thoughts and notices we aren't going to my condo.

"Where are you taking me?" The unease in her tone isn't lost on me. I threatened her tonight, not to mention I came damn close to hitting Ethan one too many times. It amuses me as much as it burns me that she really thinks I would harm her. While I do plan on punishing her for her little stunt tonight. I would never hurt her. Any punishment I ever serve her will only bring her pleasure.

We pull up in front of my log home, and I exit the vehicle without saying a word. When I open her door, she crosses her arms and glares out the front window. "I'm not going anywhere with you, August." I'm not in the mood for games.

Reaching into the car, I unclasp her seatbelt and start to pull her out. But, of course, she would start hitting me. "Stop fighting me, Gianna. What do you think I'm going to do?" She scowls at me. "Just don't touch me. I'll follow you on my own." I raise a brow in question, not sure if I can trust her, but I let it go because there isn't anywhere for her to run anyway.

The property is dark. There are no lights on, and it looks deserted. I don't come here, and no one knows I own it. I've always wanted a property just like this, tucked away in the woods with no one around for miles where I could breathe.

Where I grew up, no one moved right of the I-70 corridor. It's considered low class. Growing up and being expected to walk, talk, and dress a certain way gets old quickly. Here I could escape, but after installing the security system on the property, I locked it up and haven't been back since. I told myself I wouldn't come here until I was ready to be who I wanted to be.

Tonight's events forced my hand, but I knew I'd end up here eventually. I just didn't realize my dream girl would be with me. While the circumstances surrounding her being here aren't ideal, it feels exactly right. It's as if I wasn't meant to come back here until I had her.

Opening the front door, I flip on the lights, and everything is just as I remember. The smell of cedar wood overwhelms your senses, and your eyes are immediately drawn to the wall of windows that make up the rear of the cabin. The view of the Ozark Mountains takes your breath away. Gianna follows me in and walks straight to the back windows, and I can tell she's just as captivated as I was when I first found this place. It's like it becomes a part of your soul, grounding you by showing you how small you are in this big world.

As much as I want to take in the view with her, I need to make sure we are safe. So, I head over to my office located off the main living room and make sure my security system is up and running. I'm bent over my desk, checking all the monitors, when movement catches my eye. Looking up I find her standing in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest, seemingly shaken and unsettled.

"Where are we, August?" Her voice is filled with apprehension.

"This is where we will be staying. I bought this house a few years ago. No one knows about it, so we will be staying here."

Walking over to my desk, she throws herself down into one of the wing-backed leather chairs.

"August, I can't stay here. I need to get back to the hospital, and I live with my parents while they have their problems. I've never been unsafe." Is she serious right now?

They have their problems, but she's never felt unsafe. That had to be the worst sales pitch of all time.

"Gianna, you can't go home. This just became a game to Ethan, and I don't know what he is after. I don’t buy it for a second that he just wanted a date with you, and to top it off he threatened you. The only way I can keep you safe is to keep you with me. "

Coming around the desk, I loosen my tie and prop my ass up against the front gripping the sides with my hands and crossing my ankles. I'm trying to seem as non-threatening as possible.

"What's the real reason you don't want to stay with me, Gianna? You know I'm not going to hurt you."

"You're right. You're going to fucking break me into a million pieces that I'll never be able to repair when you decide you're done playing with me."

My breathing picks up, and my heart starts racing because if I have the power to break her, then that means I hold a part of her together. A piece of her is all I need.

Dropping to my knees in front of her, I take her face in my hands. Her eyes are glassy, like she is about to cry, no doubt because tonight has been overwhelming.

"I'll never let you break when all I want to do is make you whole."

A tear slips down her cheek, and I kiss it away before dropping my mouth to hers. Her plump lips are pliant against mine as she lets me own her mouth completely. I part her lips and brush my tongue against hers and release a deep groan as her taste explodes in my mouth. Her hands make their way up around my neck, her fingers curl into my hair, and my body instantly relaxes. My girl is in my arms where she belongs, kissing me. She breaks our kiss and stares at my chest, not wanting to meet my eye before saying, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you away, and I should have told you about Ethan, but you hurt me too." I take in a deep breath and wait to see if she will elaborate on that last part.

"When I pushed you away, you actually left. You didn't even put up a fight, and at first, that was what I wanted. That made me happy, but then as I sat in that hospital room for a week alone with my thoughts, I realized maybe you didn't think I was worth fighting for, maybe I liked you more than you liked me, maybe you got all you were looking for." I cup her face in my hand, but she pulls away. "I need to finish this so that you know." I nod, drop my hand, and push up to take the seat beside hers.
