Page 2 of Say It's Me

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"Let’s get one thing straight, I didn't lead Ethan to her, you did. The minute he showed up with her, I was on his ass, and I made damn sure my girl didn't leave with him. We were at my safe house when you woke up, and I brought her to see you. You took her from me, and since you are so out of your depth here, let me make something crystal clear. If something bad happens to one hair on her head, it is your doing, not mine, but know this: I will literally kill you if something goes wrong."

He swings around in his chair and punches one of the screens behind him, sending it crashing to the floor. Good, I hope he's mad. I hope he feels all the anguish I feel knowing she isn't here by my side for me to watch over.

"I'll serve myself over to you on a fucking platter if she gets hurt."

I pull back and start pacing the room, debating whether or not walking out is best, but I'm curious what that tracker shows. Of course, I already know Ethan is involved, but he's not the only player in the game, and I have a sinking suspicion I know who the other players are.

Finally, Mason says, "Here it is, all the places Ethan has frequented over the past week." He starts reading aloud, "Reds, Grand Media Office Suites, Lost Valley Golf Course and the Bradbury Estate."

"Fuck," I run my hands through my hair out of frustration. Tonight only solidified what I was starting to suspect, that Carson and Ethan were hooking up. This evening, when Carson went over the top to make it look like we were a couple in front of Ethan and Gianna, I should have opened my mouth, but I was too distracted by Gianna’s presence to give two shits about their affair. The problem is, I can't place what Gigi has to do with any of this.

"Care to share what put that scowl on your face with the rest of the class?"

"The Bradbury Estate is my ex's house." I clip out before Croft nearly doubles over into a fit of laughter.

"That's perfect. Your ex is fucking your best friend. Maybe Ethan isn't so bad after all."

I'm pissed, not because they’re hooking up, but because I'm not sure what Gianna has to do with it. "I don't give a shit if they are fucking. The part I'm missing is what Gianna has to do with any of it."

Mason leans back in his chair and drums his fingers on the table, clearly mulling over my words. "Either you've been really shitty to them, and they want revenge, or it's all a distraction."

Sitting up with a renewed sense of purpose, he starts typing in something on the computer. "Ethan goes to her place every night." I can't help but glare. If he's trying to get me riled up, it will not work. I literally couldn’t care less. "Relax, all I'm saying is you need to go on a date."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I am not going on a date with her so that you can use it as leverage with Gianna."

“And that right there is exactly why I sent Gigi away. You’re so consumed with losing her that you’re not looking at the big picture. You going on a date is supposed to be reconnaissance. I couldn’t tell her about any infidelities you chose to partake in even if I wanted to.”

He pulls a phone out of his pocket and tosses it on the desk. The light pink case immediately catches my eye, and I know it's Gianna’s. My chest tightens with the thought that I can’t reach out to her right now, but knowing he can’t either is somewhat gratifying. Which begs the question.

"How are you in contact with her then? What about her parents?"

He sits back in his chair with a smug look on his face as he laces his hands behind his head. Mason believes he has everything figured out. Hell, part of me hopes he does because the sooner we figure this shit out, the sooner I get my girl back.

"I took her phone, so she can't be traced. Her parents don't know that I'm awake, at least for now, so I'm hoping to have a few more days to figure things out while they assume she's with me in the hospital."

What's fucked up is, that's a good plan. Gianna hasn't left his side, and I've been having her work sent there as well.

"Did she leave with that girl?"

Mason looks up from the computer and shakes his head. "Seriously, you don't know her name? I can’t believe you’re my competition."

"That doesn't answer my question, Mason." I completely ignore the second half of his remark because he has no idea what we share.

"Yeah, well, it answers mine. Her name is Vivian. She's been Gianna's best friend since they were six. Vi is with her, but no, they are not staying at Vi’s place."

I do my best to bite my tongue at his insinuation that I don't know anything about her. But it pisses me off that he's right, and I don't like feeling bested. I know that what we have when we are together can't be replicated, and she will have all my tomorrows if she wants them. Most of the moments I’ve had with her have been intermittent, interrupted, or flat-out stolen. I plan to rectify all of that once I have her back.

What infuriates me is, I want to know everything. I want to be her world, but we just met, and when we are together, we fuck more than we talk. We haven't been alone enough to have organic conversations about our pasts, but I know that her past, my past—neither one matters because she is my future. Fuck spying. I'm getting answers.

"Can you see where Ethan is now?" His eyebrows rise before he narrows his eyes at me, attempting to follow my chain of thought.

"Yeah, the app connected to her tracker is used via his smartphone, so as long as he has his phone, I can always find him." A few clicks later he announces.

"He's at the Bradbury Estate."Perfect.

"Time to go."

