Page 33 of Say It's Me

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"What the fuck Mason? Are you in shock or something? You can't just assume that is what's happening now."

He reacted similarly at Carson's. I'm just pulling Gianna into my arms when the paramedics rush in. Immediately they see my blood and start trying to tend to me.

"No, help her. I'm fine. Please help her."

Ethan clasps me on the shoulder. "August, you're losing too much blood. You need to let them help you." When I look down, my pants are now soaked.

"Fine, but only after she's taken."

The paramedics have already started strapping her up to a stretcher when another one comes through the door. I'm about to direct that one to Gianna’s mom, but a man standing next to her points at me and says, "Take him. She's gone."

This can't be happening right now. Fuck, how did this day go so sideways? That is when I remember Elio.

"Mason, Elio is in the hallway."

His eyes practically bug out of his head.

"Shit, I can't believe I forgot about him. Wait, how did he get in the hallway?"

I'm just about to start explaining when Ethan holds up a hand to stop Mason before saying, "I got this. We'll meet you at the hospital."

"Ethan, the fuck if you will. I'm not letting you take Gianna's brother." Mason and Ethan exchange a look that I don't have time to decipher because the paramedics are now rolling me out of the condo.

"Mason, you better not let that fucker take Elio." When we get into the hallway, I spot Elio, and he's asking one of the paramedics if he can ride with his sister. That's when I demand, "The kid rides with her or me, or I'll have you fired."

Once we've made it outside, I watch from my stretcher as Gianna is loaded up. She's still unconscious, and they're giving her oxygen. I know from experience this isn't a regular spell. I may have only witnessed two, but I know she should have started waking up by now. I watch as Elio climbs into the ambulance with her, and my chest starts to tighten, my body feels clammy, and it's a struggle to hold my head up. Laying my head back against the gurney, I struggle to pull air into my lungs. Shit, I can't be fucking dying.

Suddenly Marc and Mason are by my side. Good, I need Marc.

"Marc, follow Gianna to the hospital or send a guy. She can't be alone right now."

"August, don't worry about Gianna I already have someone en route. I can't leave the crime scene right now. Take care of yourself, and I'll see when you get back."

That's the last thing I remember before everything fades to black.



Thesteadybeepofan ECG machine finally stirs me awake. Two things immediately stand out when I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. Elio is cozied up next to me on my cot asleep, and there is an armed guard at my door. My mouth is parched, and my body feels like it got hit by a Mack Truck.

The day's events slam into me all at once as I try to piece together what happened to land me here. The last thing I remember is August tackling me to the ground as a shot was fired.Oh shit, was I shot?I look down to examine myself for any injuries and come up short. The rustling around on the bed must have alerted my security detail of my wakened state because he turns around. His eyes soften before he speaks when he catches me patting my body down.

"You are not injured. From what I gather, you passed out from your hypoglycemia. The doctors are now monitoring your heart for any signs of Bradycardia. Apparently, you've neglected your health issues for far too long, and now they're catching up with you."

His tone is curt, as if my being laid up is inconvenient for him, which doesn't work for me. "Look, I'm not sure who hired you, but I am by no means anyone special, and I sure as hell don't need a bodyguard, especially one who clearly doesn't want to be here. So, please feel free to leave."

The man's eyebrows shoot up in surprise at my remarks before saying, "No ma'am, you've misunderstood. Your condition hits a little too close to home for me, and it's unsettling."

He seems genuine in his rebuttal, but there's sadness in his eyes. I'd like to ask him more about what condition he thinks I have, but I feel like in doing so, I might be bringing up a sensitive topic for the man. Instead, I change the subject.

"What is your name, and who hired you?"

"My name is Ben. I'm an ex-S.E.A.L. who contracts out security detail for high-profile people. I box with your fiancé at the gym."

Now I'm the one caught off guard. My fiancé? I'm just about to question him when a commotion in the hallway catches our attention.

"If you assholes don't want to lose your jobs, you'll let me back there. She is my fucking sister." Ethan sounds exceptionally pissed.
