Page 32 of Say It's Me

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"Sorry G, but I have to go. I'll make it up to you, I swear." I get in my car and floor it back to Mason's. Regardless of where Ethan might be, I need to be with Gianna. I never should have left her to begin with. If this knot in my gut is anything to go off of, then I know precisely where Ethan is. He found her.

Ifeellikeittook me an hour to drive ten minutes, and my nerves are shot. As I pull down Mason's street, movement from the side of the building catches my eye, and I notice a boy climbing out of a 3rd story window. He is literally walking along the window ledge over to the gutter.Fuck.

Of all the times to stop and help a pedestrian, it would be right now when I desperately need to get to my girl. I quickly text my security detail asking him to meet me on the side of the building. There is no way I would ever be able to forgive myself if something terrible happened to this kid and I didn't at least try to help.

When I park my car and cross the street, the kid has already started scaling down the gutter. I have no clue how I'm supposed to help him, so I quickly scan the area, trying to figure out a plan of action. There's a big trash can on wheels a few feet away. I sprint over to the bin and start pushing it toward the kid so that if he slips, he'll have something to break his fall. Or at least jump to when he gets close.

Sure enough, right when I have the can in position, the kid's hand slips, and he falls.Shit.

Climbing up the side of the bin, I look in and see the expression of utter shock on the kid's face. He pats his hands up his arms and legs before looking at me with an expression of relief and horror. I extend my hand for him to grab to pull him out and say, "You're lucky I was here kid. What the fuck was worth sneaking out and almost dying?" He takes my hand, and I pull him up.

"My sister, she's in trouble. My mom has a gun, and I think she's going to kill her. She tied me up, but I got loose and climbed out to find help."Fuck.

My heart suddenly drops into my stomach when the realization sets in. He just climbed out of a 3rd story window. Mason lives on the 3rd floor, where Gianna’s younger brother and mom are currently staying.

"Is your sister Gianna?"

Surprise crosses his face.

"Yeah, you know her?"

I don't respond. Instead, I take off toward the front of the building. Marc rounds the corner just as I do.

"We have to get upstairs. Gianna is in trouble. Her mom has a gun."

The three of us head up the steps two at a time. Once we reach the top, I say, "Hey kid, what's your name?"

"My name is Elio."

"Why don't you hang back here?" He nods and heads over to the staircase, where he perches himself on the top step before nervously putting his hands in his hair. He's on the verge of tears. The kid can't be any older than ten, and I feel like an ass for not knowing his name. I'm in love with his sister, and I didn’t even know her brother's name.

I'm about to reach for the door handle and throw it open, but Marc stops my hand.

"August, we don't know what we're walking into. I think I should go in first. I'm armed, and I'm your security."

"Marc, I hired you to protect Gianna. When I open this door, she is your priority, not me. If she's in trouble, shoot first, ask questions later." He nods, and I throw the door wide.

Scanning the room, I see Mason has a gun pointed at Maria, and Maria has one pointed at Gianna, and fuck me if Ethan isn't standing right beside Gianna. Knowing I need to capitalize on my unexpected interruption, I charge Gianna and take her down right as a single shot rings out.

I'm lying on top of her, cocooning her with my body, when another shot fires. After the second shot is fired, I hear Marc call out, "Call 9-1-1."

A hand lands on my shoulder, and Ethan says, "You can get up. She's down." I have so many questions, but they have to wait.

Immediately, I look down to make sure Gianna is okay. Her face is pale, her lips are blue, and she whispers my name right before her eyes close.

"Fuck, she's been shot." Ethan drops to his knees beside me, phone in hand as Mason runs over. I'm scanning her body, trying to figure out where the bullet hit her. When I see red on her side right below her heart, I lose it. Without hesitation, I rip her shirt and find no point of entry.

"August, it's not Gianna who's been shot. It's you." Ethan points out.

"What? That's not possible. I don't even feel anything." When I look down, I see blood spilling from the wound. He starts to take off his shirt, but I stop him.

"Ethan, I am not taking anything from you. I'm fine." I spit out, each word laced with venom and hate. Before I have a moment to think of what to do next Mason has come back from the kitchen with a towel.

"Put pressure on it to help stop the bleeding."

"I don't give a fuck about my wound. Help Gianna?" I can't help but yell at this point. Mason looks across the room to Marc, who is now kneeling beside Maria’s body, and from the looks of it, she's dead.

"August, she's most likely having another stress-induced sugar episode. She should wake up here shortly." Is he serious right now? I look over at Ethan, who has the same perplexed look on his face as I do.

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